How To Make a Dog Throw Up
Amanda Guagliardo
Uh oh, your dog just ate something he wasn't supposed to, now what? It's happened to pretty much anyone with a puppy, but can be so scary for pet parents. The puppy gets a hold of a toy or a chicken bone or ate a whole bag of Halloween candy and now you're worried. After you panic, you realize you need to make the dog throw up. But how? Luckily there's an easy and safe way to get your dog to vomit. But of course, this method should be done after you speak with your Veterinarian.
When Should You Make a Dog Vomit?
After your dog has ingested something, it is possible he'll puke on his own. Sometimes chocolate or grapes will make your dog sick naturally, and there won't be an emergency need to induce vomiting. Other times you will need to intercede and make your dog throw up. Your vet will decide whether or not you should induce vomiting based on factors like what they ate, breed, and health issues.

It's also a good idea to know how much time has passed since your dog ate the item(s) in question. If it's been 2-6 hours, chances are vomiting won't help at all. Typically, by two hours after ingestion, the substance has already been absorbed or has moved out of the stomach and into the small intestines. If you do not know when your dog ingested the substance, it may still be beneficial to induce vomiting, but don’t be surprised if the object doesn't come up.
Questions to ask yourself before you make your dog throw up:
- Has it been less than 2 hours? As long as the item isn't already in your dog's stomach, it may be a good time to induce vomiting.
- Is your pet in general good health?
- Is the item sharp or poisonous?
- Have you called your veterinarian and asked for help first?
When Not to Make a Dog Throw Up
Sometimes inducing vomiting will cause more harm than good. Objects that are sharp could become more lodged in the process and become very dangerous. Certain substances become more dangerous after being swallowed and can cause irreversible damage if they are thrown up.

Certain dog breeds may require more attention than just inducing vomiting. For instance brachycephalic breeds, such as Pugs or Bulldogs, are at higher risk for aspiration pneumonia developing after vomiting. That's why it's critical that you contact a vet and get approval before you make a dog throw up.
When You Should NOT Make A Dog Vomit:
- If your dog is already puking.
- If your dog is severely lethargic, call your veterinarian immediately.
- If he is having difficulty breathing.
- If your dog is having a seizure or shaking profusely.
- If your dog has had recent surgery or has other severe health problems.
- If your dog has consumed sharp objects that may get lodged further.
Always Call a Veterinarian or Poison Control Hotline First

The safest thing you can do is take your beloved pet to the vet's office immediately. But sometimes your vet is closed or you can't get there and you've realized your animal has eaten prescription drugs, large amounts of alcohol, batteries, a sharp object, grapes, raisins, or any other poison items. If your pup ate something poisonous, it may also be a good idea to call poison control. The pet helpline is a good resource for treatment and information. Get as much information as possible to make sure it's safe before inducing vomiting in your dog.
Hydrogen Peroxide Is the Safest At Home Method to Induce Vomiting
Obviously the safest way to induce vomiting is at the vet's office, but at home hydrogen peroxide is the safest way. Hydrogen peroxide works by creating enough irritation to the mouth, esophagus and stomach lining that vomiting occurs. The bubbles created within your dog’s stomach causes enough irritation that within minutes of swallowing it your dog will puke.

There are articles on the internet that say hydrogen peroxide can actually be very harmful to dogs. In rare cases, the side effects do not stop at mild irritation. Severe gastritis, or inflammation of the stomach, can occur, followed by ulceration and bleeding. Although very rare, pets have died from internal bleeding due to hydrogen peroxide toxicity.
As a dog owner, it's important to know the correct amount to give your dog and how to make them drink it. It's very important to not give your dog too much. Your vet will give you the best method for this but here are some steps to help your dog throw up by using hydrogen peroxide.
Steps to Make Your Dog Throw Up
Be careful when following these instructions and as always, make sure you've talked to your veterinarian first.
- If your dog hasn't eaten in the last 2 hours, give him a small meal to help him vomit.
- Make sure you have a 3-percent hydrogen peroxide solution. Higher concentrations are toxic and can cause serious damage.
- Administer the proper amount: the suggested dosage is 1 teaspoon per 5 pounds (5 ml / 2.25 kg) of the dog’s body weight by mouth, with a maximum dose of 3 tablespoons (45 ml) for dogs who weigh more than 45 pounds (20 kg). *Call your vet or emergency clinic for proper dosage.
- Administer the dosage with a feeding syringe or turkey baster and squirt it from the side by pulling back his lips and squirting between his back teeth. You can also squirt from the front into the back of your dog’s tongue or mouth. Some dogs may drink the hydrogen peroxide from the cap or a small dish. If your dog doesn’t vomit within 15 minutes, you can give him a second dose.
- Comfort your pup and stay with them while they vomit. Collect the dog vomit and let your vet analyze it if you can.
- Monitor your dog for at least 45 minutes after they throw up.

Good job, you did it! After making your dog throw up, he is back to himself and acting normal. Make sure your vet has given you the go ahead that your dog will be just fine. Now it's time to prevent this from happening again. Make sure all toxic items and sharp objects are removed from where your pup can roam. Consider crating your dog or locking them up when they're alone. Keep them somewhere safe, where they can’t get into anything.
Never use salt or other internet remedies to make a dog throw up!
There are various household methods that claim to be safe ways for pet owners to induce vomiting, but be careful what you read and make sure you ask your pet's doctor before making your dog throw up. It's never okay to use salt to induce vomiting. Ingestion of large amounts of salt can lead to dangerously high salt levels in your pet’s blood. This can cause your pet to walk unsteadily, develop tremors, seizures or even go into a coma. Salt is among many household items that you shouldn't give your animal.

The following things could also cause your furry friend more harm than good:
- Gagging - never gag your pet or force them to puke. Chances are you will get bit or worse.
- Olive Oil- while this old wives tale can be found all over the internet as a source to make your dog sick, it's a bad idea.
- Ipecac- Yes, this will make your dog vomit but Ipecac ingestion can include drooling, difficulty breathing, a drop in heart rate, abnormal heart rhythm and a potentially deadly heart condition.

Amanda is a Minnesota native who has a background in journalism and marketing. She enjoys playing softball, ice fishing, checking out local breweries, camping and cheering on the Vikings. Amanda resides at home with her husband, son and her spunky English Bulldog.