Woman Caught On Camera Abandoning Her 13-Year-Old Golden Retriever
Anastasia Arellano
Most of us would never dream of abandoning our pet. When we get an animal, we know that we are taking on a big responsibility. Sadly, there are some people out there who don't share our values as pet owners. They don't see their pets as worthy of basic love and respect, but rather, they view them as commodities. To these people, a dog is no different than an old sweater that you can just get rid of when it no longer suits you.
It is that kind of cruelty that was captured on camera by Brandon Price and Alyssa Ott. The two managed to film the moment that a woman got out of her car and abandoned her dog. The heartbreaking footage shows the woman getting her dog out of the back. At first, the poor pup is wagging his tail, clearly thinking they're off for a walk. But after a few short paces, the woman turns around and runs back to the car before jumping in and driving away.
Watch the sad clip below:
Luckily for the dog, he was rescued by I Paw'd It Forward in Portland.Their Facebook page shared the sad clip of the dog's abandonment and stated that they hope this awful clip serves as a reminder to others not to abandon their pets.
As the shelter wrote in their post, "THIS. This is what a dog that has just been abandoned looks like. They are still here. They are still waiting. They are still searching for you to return. They are confused. They do not understand why the humans they devoted their lives to, have disappeared."
The post continued to discuss how many times these dogs that are abandoned are never found. While the rescue does it's best to get every abandoned dog off the street, it's a difficult task. It further added that there is never a good excuse to abandon a pet - especially since there are plenty of resources out there where you can get the help you need if you find yourself in a situation where you have to give up your pet.
The post added that while the rescued dog from the video is in good care, he won't be available for adoption until there is an investigation into the matter. They stated they'd keep everyone updated if or when the dog becomes available for adoption.
Since their initial post, they have been able to update that they've found the abuser, and after many crocodile tears, she did admit she abandoned her dog named Henry (despite telling neighbors her dog had died). She will be persecuted under Clark County animal cruelty laws.
While the investigation was going on, Brandon Price, one of the ones responsible for recording the incident, has been running a fundraiser for I Paw'd It Forward through Facebook.

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26