89-Year-Old Woman Knitted 450 Blankets And Coats For Shelter Dogs
Anastasia Arellano
When it comes to working with shelter animals, there’s no shortage of opportunities at local rescue organizations.
If you are looking for opportunities to work with shelter animals you will find that there is no shortage of opportunities and ways to do so. There is so much that can be done, such as walking dogs, fostering, cleaning kennels, or assisting with adoption events – whatever it is, most local rescues are happy to have any kind of help from volunteers.
But one woman from Britain, has found a very unique way to assist animals in need: she knits them sweaters and blankets!
Maisie Green has used her knitting skills in order to create hundreds of coats and blankets for dogs over the years. She’s donated all of them to the rescue dogs of the Dogs Trust Basildon shelter in the United Kingdom.
89-year-old Maisie can be seen proudly seen standing in front of her knitted creations for the rescue pets in this Dogs Trust Instagram post below:
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Dogs Trust 🐶💛 (@dogstrust) on
She said to the Dogs Trust Basildon, “I love knitting and I love dogs, so this combines both wonderfully! It takes me three days to knit a blanket and one day to knit a doggy coat.”
With all that knitting, it is clear that she enjoys helping the dogs in need as they look for their forever homes. Maisie knits in batches, and her family help her drive over to the shelter three times per year in order to drop off her knitted donations.
She has also stated that the knitting projects have filled her with a sense of purpose.
“It keeps me busy and often I like to knit whilst watching television. I’m delighted to be helping the four-legged residents at the center in some way,” she said.
Dogs Trust Basildon noted that by December 2018, Maisie had prolifically knitted 450 items for the shelter animals to keep them warm.
The dogs at the shelter seem to love having knitted items, whether they’re from Maisie or somewhere else. Plus, they look so cute when they're using them.
Check out this sweet Dogs Trust dog curled up with a knitted blanket:
And this other dog looks so cozy snuggled up underneath a colorful throw:
Dogs Trust is one of the U.K.’s largest dog rescue organizations, and it provides care to over 16,000 abandoned and stray dogs every year. The organization offers volunteers many ways to get involved.
And what Maisie Green is doing, definitely is such a sweet way to give back. We have no doubt the animals appreciate all her wonderful donations to them!

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26