Man Rushes To Save Dog Hanging By An Electrical Cord Near Highway Overpass

Man Rushes To Save Dog Hanging By An Electrical Cord Near Highway Overpass

Thankfully, this man was in the right place at the right time to help save the life of a dog that had gotten caught on an electrical cord near a highway overpass.

David Fredman was heading to work just like any other day in Independence, MO when he spotted a dog near the I-70 that appeared to be struggling.

 width=Photo: David Fredman / YouTube/FOX4 News Kansas City

“I saw what looked like a dog that was being hung over the side of some sort of power box. The cord was definitely strangling him,” Fredman told Fox4 KC. “His feet were touching the ground, but they were barely touching the ground. He was trying to whip his head left and right but could barely move it.”

 width=Photo: David Fredman / YouTube/FOX4 News Kansas City

Fredman called 911 and then grabbed a knife to save the struggling dog: “As soon as I cut him down, he couldn’t breathe. He was trying to breathe. I tried to get him to walk. He couldn’t walk," he said.

The KC Pet Project discovered the dog was microchipped and that his owner, Dee Vaughn, had reported his dog missing two hours prior to the event: “Two hours later there was a phone call came in asking if I was missing my dog," Dee Vaughn said.

It is unclear whether this event was an accident or an act of foul play. But Vaughn said that there is no way his senior dog could have walked a mile from his house where he was found hanging by the cord.

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We are just thankful to see that this dog was saved in the nick of time!

Chris Winters

Chris is a freelance writer from Miami, Florida. She has been writing about food, travel, and pop culture since she graduated from college. She’s actively involved in the arts and aspires to write a book about the Miami food scene. Chris loves all things having to with theatre and she’s currently spiraling out of control in the world of TikTok.

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