Supporting People, Pets & the Planet Since 1999.

Supporting People, Pets & the
Planet Since 1999.

Together We Change the World

For 25 years, GreaterGood has united passionate changemakers with causes that matter. Together, we have raised over $80 million to support people, pets, and the planet. Our initiative has also provided more than $52.7 million in payments to talented global artisans. Through simple actions like daily free clicks, donations, and shopping, we have witnessed the transformative power of small steps in creating a substantial impact.

Helping People

Poverty, illness, and trauma affect people in every U.S. state, and in every nation around the world. Simple actions help real people survive and prosper in spite of tragedy. You can help.

©GreaterGood Charities

Helping Pets

Our pets are our best friends, but some are still fighting to survive on the streets, or waiting in shelters for a family of their own. Working together, we can change their lives forever.

Helping The Planet

Our environment is facing unprecedented threats, including deforestation, pollution, and climate change. But hope is not lost. Our actions have the power to save the the only world we have.

A Legacy of Good: 25 Years Of Global Impact

A Legacy of Good: 25 Years Of Global Impact

Signature Programs

Whether it's employing skilled artisans, caring for injured pets, or protecting millions of acres of vital habitat, we're constantly working to change the world. Here are a few more ways we're making an impact.


©GreaterGood Charities

Flights to Freedom

Every month we fly at-risk pets in overcrowded shelters to destinations that have a high demand for adoptable pets.

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©GreaterGood Charities

 Emergency Animal Medical Cases 

We provide emergency medical care for animals who need surgeries, treatments and other critical care.

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©GreaterGood Charities

Care Packages for Shelter Cats & Dogs

We provide essential food, vaccinations, bedding, and enrichment needs for rescue pets across the country.

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©GreaterGood Charities

Ukraine Crisis

We work to provide everyday essentials for both human and pet refugees affected by the war in Ukraine.

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©GreaterGood Charities

GOOD Packs for Veterans

Our GOOD Packs provide homeless Veterans and their pets with critical items such as clothes, hygiene kits, and blankets.

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©GreaterGood Charities

Disaster Response

When disaster strikes, we are on the ground providing food, medical care, emergency transport and cash grants for impacted people and pets.

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©GreaterGood Charities

Project Peril: Help Save the Bees

Dedicated to protecting honey bees and our food supply, we provide sugar and pollen substitutes to global beekeepers.

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Protecting Endangered Species

In the face of escalating extinction rates, we are dedicated to protecting endangered species worldwide.

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Protecting Vital Habitat

We are committed to saving critical ecosystems to promote biodiversity, protect wildlife and restore native habitat.

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Our Communities

Our community of millions and network of cause-focused sites make a real impact every day!
Explore our causes and get involved:

The Animal Rescue Site


The Breast Cancer Site

The Veteran Site

The Alzheimers Site

The Diabetes Site

The Literacy Site

The Autism Site

The Rainforest Site

The Hunger Site

Free Kibble

The Breast Cancer Site

The Veteran Site

The Alzheimers Site

The Diabetes Site

The Literacy Site

The Rainforest Site

The Autism Site

The Hunger Site

Free Kibble

We’re Also the Home of:

Great Life Publishing

Far Fetched

Free The Ocean

Get Involved

Click to Give

Click daily to support causes you care about. Every click grants a donation to programs that support animals, funds humanitarian aid, sponsors critical research and protects our planet.

Shop to Give

Every purchase in our store donates to charity. Choose the cause you would like to support with every order.

Read Stories

Current news about your favorite causes, uplifting stories, and educational resources.


Your donation supports vital causes that improve the lives of people, protect shelter pets, and preserve our precious planet. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.

Take Action: Sign a Petition

From animal rights to health care access to habitat protection, make sure your voice is heard.

GreaterGood Guardians

Become a Guardian - collect points, earn rewards, and amplify your impact for the causes of your choice for FREE.

Games That Give

Play daily crosswords, puzzles, and other online games to support people, pets, and the planet!

Trivia to Give

Answer fun and educational trivia questions to support our Signature Programs.

Free Kibble

Play trivia to provide kibble, litter, and other supplies to animal shelters. The more you play the more you donate!


Our Leadership

Meet GreaterGood's Leadership Team! We, along with all of the staff at GreaterGood, are dedicated to making a difference.

Tim Kunin

CEO & Co-Founder

Meet Tim

I grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and attended Washburn High, the University of Michigan, where I met my wife Sue, and Carnegie Mellon. We raised our two children Mara and Daniel in Boston before moving to Seattle, where GreaterGood is headquartered.

In 1977, my partner Greg Hesterberg, David DeVarti, and I started SGI Publications in Ann Arbor, Michigan. In 1999, we started, driven by a passion to make a meaningful impact on the lives of people and animals worldwide. and later purchased in 2001. We founded (now Greater Good Charities) in 2006, aiming to raise $100 million for charity.  

I love this work because it can make a huge impact globally. I am proud that we fund the largest animal adoption shelter in Ukraine and the largest refugee birthing center on the Thai/Burma border, both of which I visited this year. Our 10-year project to protect over 175,000 acres of wilderness in Argentina, benefiting endangered animals, reflects our customers' desire to make a difference.

We source products from remote locations, including the Amazon, Nepali mountain villages, and islands in Africa's Lake Victoria. Our focus is on helping people, animals, and the planet with every purchase. We fund breast cancer research and respond to global disasters. Our goal is to provide customers with ways to help heal the world.

Almost 20 years ago, I set the goal of giving $100 million to charity, and now it seems achievable by 2030. Small actions can have big results!

I am particularly proud of our efforts to save the lives of mothers and babies in regions with high maternal and infant mortality rates, such as Eastern Burma/Myanmar and Sierra Leone. We support the Mae Tao Clinic’s birthing center and food program for over 2,000 refugee students.

I have visited artisan suppliers and charity partners in over 50 countries, witnessing the impact our purchases have on poor artisans and their families. I aim to expand sales of handmade fair-trade goods worldwide, including products made by rural women in North America. We have planted over 1 million trees to restore wildlife habitats in the USA and help primates in Africa. I want to increase sales of our sustainable products and make our sites carbon negative.

For fun, I enjoy walking and birdwatching near my home. I am passionate about wilderness canoeing, having led 10 trips in the high arctic, including four with my son. I have paddled over 5,000 miles (about twice the width of the United States) in the US, Canada, and Patagonia.

Greg Hesterberg

President & Co-Founder

Meet Greg

I started with GreaterGood in 1999. One of the most fulfilling parts of attending the University of Maryland and Michigan Law School was working in student organizations seeking to make the world a better place. Since funding for those organizations was always a challenge, I quickly got a real-life introduction to the world of fundraising.

After leaving law school, I spent many years running a small publishing company in Ann Arbor. Then came the Internet, and along with that, an opportunity to create large audiences that could make a difference with small individual actions and donations. My longtime business partner Tim Kunin and I started CharityUSA and the Ecology Fund in 1999. Soon after, we acquired the HungerSite, along with GreaterGood and its collection of Click to Give sites.

Pets have been a part of my life since I was four years old when I named our rambunctious Dalmatian puppy “Spots.” As an adult, my life partner Martine and I have rescued and adopted cats over the years, so adding The Animal Rescue Site was a natural expansion.

As we raised money for national organizations like HSUS, Mercy Corps, America’s Second Harvest, National Breast Cancer Foundation, and First Book, as well as small organizations like rescue groups, we faced numerous reporting issues. We founded as a pass-through organization to consolidate our reporting. Today, Greater Good Charities (GGC) – its new name – is an international charity that has grown well beyond our expectations. In just 2022 alone, GGC distributed grants and goods valued at more than $137 million.

It’s amazing what our small company and GGC have done in the past 25 years. I’m proud of the loyal audience we’ve developed. We try to maximize our impact by sourcing fair trade products from all over the world with a special focus on products made by women. Most of all, I’m grateful for all my current and former co-workers who have truly made the world a better place.

James Grange

Chief Operating Officer

Meet James

I have been with GreaterGood since 2011. Drawn by its mission to make a positive impact on people, pets, and the planet, I knew this was where I wanted to contribute my skills and passion. Over the years, I have seen firsthand the difference we can make, which has deepened my commitment to our cause.

I am driven to fulfill our mission to help people, pets, and the planet, and to connect with a like-minded audience that shares our values. The dedication and talent of my colleagues inspire me daily. Knowing that our collective efforts lead to real, positive changes keeps me energized and focused.

I am most passionate about animal rescue. My family and I foster dogs through a rescue organization in Seattle, which has been incredibly rewarding. Seeing the transformation of these animals and knowing we have played a part in giving them a second chance is profoundly fulfilling.

I share the company's goal of achieving over $100 million in charitable contributions and am committed to pushing beyond this milestone. I envision GreaterGood expanding its reach and impact, making significant strides in improving lives and protecting our planet.

In my free time, I enjoy playing golf, which offers a chance to unwind and enjoy nature. It allows me to relax and recharge.

Rian Cool

President of Great Life Publishing

Meet Rian

I've been with GreaterGood for 20 years. I sought out the company based on a job posting for an e-commerce coordinator in a print newspaper. I hand-delivered my resume to the office and got a job interview and offer that same day. It was a good day!

I am motivated by the scale and challenges of building online audiences, particularly on social platforms. Creating engaging content to drive traffic and monetization is a never-ending game that requires our entire team to collaborate seamlessly. The dynamic nature of this work keeps me inspired and driven to achieve more.

Hunger relief and curbing food insecurity, especially in my local community, are causes I am deeply passionate about. Additionally, I am an avid supporter of the Special Olympics, which holds a special place in my heart.

I am excited to see Tim Kunin realize his lifetime business goal of generating $100 million in donations to impactful charities. I'd like to think I've played a small but valuable part in that meaningful quest. My goal is to continue contributing to the company's mission and ensure we achieve this milestone and beyond.

For fun, I enjoy golfing, skiing, boating, and BBQing. I also love watching my kids compete in sports, which brings me immense joy and pride.

I'm very grateful to be a part of such an impactful organization with a strong ethos and a clear mission to make the world a better place. Working at GreaterGood has been a rewarding journey, and I am proud of the positive changes we continue to make.

Amanda Drummond

Executive VP of Marketing

Meet Amanda

Amanda joined GreaterGood in 2014 after a year-long sabbatical traveling through Nepal, India, and Indonesia. Excited by the opportunity to create impact in her role, Amanda grew the digital marketing team specializing in SEM, SEO, paid media, and analytics. Working alongside a group of amazing marketers and creatives Amanda now leads email marketing, paid media, analytics, creative and brand teams.

Amanda is inspired by connecting audiences with experiences and products that give back to people, pets, and planet. She is most passionate about causes that protect our environment and those that support marginalized communities.

Amanda enjoys spending time in nature, cooking, traveling, and impromptu dance parties. She resides in the Seattle area with her husband, two kids and their rescue cat Momo.

Alec Griffith

Vice President of Publishing

Meet Alec

I've been with GreaterGood for about 12 years. I initially joined because I had an exciting opportunity to lead a small team of publishers during the company's early days of web publishing. The chance to be part of an innovative and impactful organization was incredibly appealing.

I love the challenge of discovering new ways to engage our audience to help make the world a better place. The constant evolution of digital publishing keeps me motivated and inspired to find creative solutions that resonate with our community.

I am an animal lover through and through, but making a difference for vulnerable people and the planet is equally rewarding. The multifaceted mission of GreaterGood aligns perfectly with my personal values and passions.

Fun for me usually consists of a Saturday morning on the sidelines of my kids' soccer games, a day at the lake, or a late night watching live music.  

Jeff Vogler

Vice President of Merchandising

Meet Jeff

I started as a retail consultant in October 2021 and joined full-time in January 2022. My background was primarily in brick-and-mortar retail, so the opportunity to join an ecommerce-focused company, especially one as philanthropic as CharityUSA, was very appealing. I have always loved animals—my household includes a rescued Boxer, a rescued cat, and a bearded dragon. Sharing my home with these pets, my wife, and three sons has made the work of The Animal Rescue Site particularly meaningful to me.

As VP of Merchandising, I get to wear many different hats, and no two days are the same. I love working with buyers on product development and collaborating with marketing and operations teams to develop marketing plans. I also enjoy the cross-functional work with logistics, customer service, finance, and IT teams. The variety keeps my role dynamic and fulfilling.

The work we do for animals is the cause closest to my heart. Knowing that our efforts help improve the welfare of pets and animals is incredibly rewarding and aligns with my personal passion for animal rescue.

I aim to continue developing and adapting our product assortment to reflect trends in the marketplace. Growing the retail footprint within the company is a key objective, as is focusing on products and categories that resonate most with our customers.

With three boys under the age of 12, I spend a lot of time coaching their sports teams and being their shuttle service. Our family loves traveling and spending time on the lakes and rivers around our town. I also enjoy golfing, watching live music, and cooking.

Betsy Conway

Director of Human Resources

Meet Betsy

I have been with the company for just over seven years. Prior to joining GreaterGood, I spent 21 years working in the academic sector in various roles, including admissions, marketing, student services, and human resources. After two decades, it was time for a change. Through personal connections, I was introduced to GreaterGood and found my next "home" with a company that truly cares about people.

My best days are those when I can make a difference in someone's life, even if it is simply helping them find an answer to something causing them stress. I enjoy working with our employees in all aspects of the HR world, knowing that my efforts contribute to their well-being and success.

GreaterGood supports many wonderful causes, making it difficult to choose just one. Although I am allergic to most pets and do not have any of my own, I love the work we do for animals, especially those abandoned or displaced by significant weather events or war. I am also passionate about our literacy efforts, which is the cause I most often support through our sites.

As a department, we strive to streamline processes and workflows to enhance efficiency and productivity while supporting and collaborating with our leaders and team members. My goal is to ensure our continued financial growth, which is a testament to our resilience and strategic acumen, so that we can keep making a positive impact on people, pets, and the planet.

Time with family and friends is invaluable and should never be taken for granted. Whether it's enjoying a quiet day on a lake or traveling to new places, these moments are irreplaceable. I enjoy reading, hiking, exploring new places, trying new foods, and finding new activities and adventures.


Julia Christophersen

Executive Buyer

Meet Julia

I've been with since 1999. I joined after being introduced to it by a close friend who spoke highly of its remarkable atmosphere and mission, which strongly resonated with my professional aspirations.

While many aspects of my job inspire me, collaborating with companies globally to design and develop unique apparel products that resonate with our customers is a highlight of my role. Working closely with women-owned businesses is especially rewarding; not only do we contribute to their growth, but we also create satisfaction among our customers, leading to a wonderful sense of success.

A cause I would like to single out is The Breast Cancer Site as a cause particularly significant to me, especially since the friend who encouraged me to join 25 years ago recently lost her battle with breast cancer. This cause holds immense significance for me, and I'm deeply committed to its mission. There's still considerable work ahead to find a cure, and I'm dedicated to contributing however I can.

I want to be a stable, long-lasting company that makes a real difference in the world. I aim for us to continue having tangible impacts on people, pets, and the planet. It's important to me that we remain dedicated to doing good and that our work leaves a lasting positive mark on the world with our visitors and customers. By staying committed to our mission and continually seeking new ways to make a difference, I believe we can achieve these goals and create a better future for everyone.

For fun, I love to travel with my family and attend concerts as much as possible!

David Onsager

CUSA General Counsel

Meet David

Dave began practicing law in Seattle in 1992 after graduating from the University of Washington School of Law. In 1995, he joined Stafford Frey Cooper, became a shareholder in 2002, and currently serves as the managing partner of Bailey Onsager, the successor firm. His practice encompasses various types of civil litigation, primarily focusing on construction and insurance. Additionally, he handles surety and fidelity work, as well as personal injury claims.

David's legal practice involves representing both plaintiffs and defendants. Notably, he represents numerous plaintiff condominium homeowners associations, seeking funds to repair construction defects under the Washington Condominium Act. By emphasizing negotiation and efficient resolution, he has successfully recovered millions of dollars for his client associations in recent years.

Residing in Seattle, David cherishes spending most evenings and weekends with his family and friends. His hobbies include skiing, running, golf, and baseball.

James Grange

Chief Operating Officer

Meet James

I have been with GreaterGood since 2011. Drawn by its mission to make a positive impact on people, pets, and the planet, I knew this was where I wanted to contribute my skills and passion. Over the years, I have seen firsthand the difference we can make, which has deepened my commitment to our cause.

I am driven to fulfill our mission to help people, pets, and the planet, and to connect with a like-minded audience that shares our values. The dedication and talent of my colleagues inspire me daily. Knowing that our collective efforts lead to real, positive changes keeps me energized and focused.

I am most passionate about animal rescue. My family and I foster dogs through a rescue organization in Seattle, which has been incredibly rewarding. Seeing the transformation of these animals and knowing we have played a part in giving them a second chance is profoundly fulfilling.

I share the company's goal of achieving over $100 million in charitable contributions and am committed to pushing beyond this milestone. I envision GreaterGood expanding its reach and impact, making significant strides in improving lives and protecting our planet.

In my free time, I enjoy playing golf, which offers a chance to unwind and enjoy nature. It allows me to relax and recharge.

Rian Cool

President of Great Life Publishing

Meet Rian

I've been with GreaterGood for 20 years. I sought out the company based on a job posting for an e-commerce coordinator in a print newspaper. I hand-delivered my resume to the office and got a job interview and offer that same day. It was a good day!

I am motivated by the scale and challenges of building online audiences, particularly on social platforms. Creating engaging content to drive traffic and monetization is a never-ending game that requires our entire team to collaborate seamlessly. The dynamic nature of this work keeps me inspired and driven to achieve more.

Hunger relief and curbing food insecurity, especially in my local community, are causes I am deeply passionate about. Additionally, I am an avid supporter of the Special Olympics, which holds a special place in my heart.

I am excited to see Tim Kunin realize his lifetime business goal of generating $100 million in donations to impactful charities. I'd like to think I've played a small but valuable part in that meaningful quest. My goal is to continue contributing to the company's mission and ensure we achieve this milestone and beyond.

For fun, I enjoy golfing, skiing, boating, and BBQing. I also love watching my kids compete in sports, which brings me immense joy and pride.

I'm very grateful to be a part of such an impactful organization with a strong ethos and a clear mission to make the world a better place. Working at GreaterGood has been a rewarding journey, and I am proud of the positive changes we continue to make.

Amanda Drummond

Executive VP of Marketing

Meet Amanda

Amanda joined GreaterGood in 2014 after a year-long sabbatical traveling through Nepal, India, and Indonesia. Excited by the opportunity to create impact in her role, Amanda grew the digital marketing team specializing in SEM, SEO, paid media, and analytics. Working alongside a group of amazing marketers and creatives Amanda now leads email marketing, paid media, analytics, creative and brand teams.

Amanda is inspired by connecting audiences with experiences and products that give back to people, pets, and planet. She is most passionate about causes that protect our environment and those that support marginalized communities.

Amanda enjoys spending time in nature, cooking, traveling, and impromptu dance parties. She resides in the Seattle area with her husband, two kids and their rescue cat Momo.

Alec Griffith

Vice President of Publishing

Meet Alec

I've been with GreaterGood for about 12 years. I initially joined because I had an exciting opportunity to lead a small team of publishers during the company's early days of web publishing. The chance to be part of an innovative and impactful organization was incredibly appealing.

I love the challenge of discovering new ways to engage our audience to help make the world a better place. The constant evolution of digital publishing keeps me motivated and inspired to find creative solutions that resonate with our community.

I am an animal lover through and through, but making a difference for vulnerable people and the planet is equally rewarding. The multifaceted mission of GreaterGood aligns perfectly with my personal values and passions.

Fun for me usually consists of a Saturday morning on the sidelines of my kids' soccer games, a day at the lake, or a late night watching live music.  

Jeff Volger

Vice President of Merchandising

Meet Jeff

I started as a retail consultant in October 2021 and joined full-time in January 2022. My background was primarily in brick-and-mortar retail, so the opportunity to join an ecommerce-focused company, especially one as philanthropic as CharityUSA, was very appealing. I have always loved animals—my household includes a rescued Boxer, a rescued cat, and a bearded dragon. Sharing my home with these pets, my wife, and three sons has made the work of The Animal Rescue Site particularly meaningful to me.

As VP of Merchandising, I get to wear many different hats, and no two days are the same. I love working with buyers on product development and collaborating with marketing and operations teams to develop marketing plans. I also enjoy the cross-functional work with logistics, customer service, finance, and IT teams. The variety keeps my role dynamic and fulfilling.

The work we do for animals is the cause closest to my heart. Knowing that our efforts help improve the welfare of pets and animals is incredibly rewarding and aligns with my personal passion for animal rescue.

I aim to continue developing and adapting our product assortment to reflect trends in the marketplace. Growing the retail footprint within the company is a key objective, as is focusing on products and categories that resonate most with our customers.

With three boys under the age of 12, I spend a lot of time coaching their sports teams and being their shuttle service. Our family loves traveling and spending time on the lakes and rivers around our town. I also enjoy golfing, watching live music, and cooking.

Betsy Conway

Director of Human Resources

Meet Betsy

I have been with the company for just over seven years. Prior to joining GreaterGood, I spent 21 years working in the academic sector in various roles, including admissions, marketing, student services, and human resources. After two decades, it was time for a change. Through personal connections, I was introduced to GreaterGood and found my next "home" with a company that truly cares about people.

My best days are those when I can make a difference in someone's life, even if it is simply helping them find an answer to something causing them stress. I enjoy working with our employees in all aspects of the HR world, knowing that my efforts contribute to their well-being and success.

GreaterGood supports many wonderful causes, making it difficult to choose just one. Although I am allergic to most pets and do not have any of my own, I love the work we do for animals, especially those abandoned or displaced by significant weather events or war. I am also passionate about our literacy efforts, which is the cause I most often support through our sites.

As a department, we strive to streamline processes and workflows to enhance efficiency and productivity while supporting and collaborating with our leaders and team members. My goal is to ensure our continued financial growth, which is a testament to our resilience and strategic acumen, so that we can keep making a positive impact on people, pets, and the planet.

Time with family and friends is invaluable and should never be taken for granted. Whether it's enjoying a quiet day on a lake or traveling to new places, these moments are irreplaceable. I enjoy reading, hiking, exploring new places, trying new foods, and finding new activities and adventures.


Julia Christophersen

Executive Buyer

Meet Julia

I've been with since 1999. I joined after being introduced to it by a close friend who spoke highly of its remarkable atmosphere and mission, which strongly resonated with my professional aspirations.

While many aspects of my job inspire me, collaborating with companies globally to design and develop unique apparel products that resonate with our customers is a highlight of my role. Working closely with women-owned businesses is especially rewarding; not only do we contribute to their growth, but we also create satisfaction among our customers, leading to a wonderful sense of success.

A cause I would like to single out is The Breast Cancer Site as a cause particularly significant to me, especially since the friend who encouraged me to join 25 years ago recently lost her battle with breast cancer. This cause holds immense significance for me, and I'm deeply committed to its mission. There's still considerable work ahead to find a cure, and I'm dedicated to contributing however I can.

I want to be a stable, long-lasting company that makes a real difference in the world. I aim for us to continue having tangible impacts on people, pets, and the planet. It's important to me that we remain dedicated to doing good and that our work leaves a lasting positive mark on the world with our visitors and customers. By staying committed to our mission and continually seeking new ways to make a difference, I believe we can achieve these goals and create a better future for everyone.

For fun, I love to travel with my family and attend concerts as much as possible!

David Onsager

CUSA General Counsel

Meet David

Dave began practicing law in Seattle in 1992 after graduating from the University of Washington School of Law. In 1995, he joined Stafford Frey Cooper, became a shareholder in 2002, and currently serves as the managing partner of Bailey Onsager, the successor firm. His practice encompasses various types of civil litigation, primarily focusing on construction and insurance. Additionally, he handles surety and fidelity work, as well as personal injury claims.

David's legal practice involves representing both plaintiffs and defendants. Notably, he represents numerous plaintiff condominium homeowners associations, seeking funds to repair construction defects under the Washington Condominium Act. By emphasizing negotiation and efficient resolution, he has successfully recovered millions of dollars for his client associations in recent years.

Residing in Seattle, David cherishes spending most evenings and weekends with his family and friends. His hobbies include skiing, running, golf, and baseball.

Our Charity Partners