Add your name to the millions who are using their voice to support movements helping people, saving animals, and creating a better world.
Sign one of these popular petitions:

Take the Lost Pet Pledge and Heal the Heartache!
More than 10 million pets are lost each year. Sign the pledge and help us bring these pets home!

Pledge To Protect Songbirds From Disease

USDA: We Want the Right to Rescue Pets from Hot Cars

Give Shelter Cats The Comfort They Deserve

Be A Hero For Cats Of Families In Crisis

Take the Warm Pet Pledge: Protect Our Furry Friends

Save a Life and Stop Abuse Before It Escalates

Save the Bald Eagle from Extinction

Flood Havoc Threatens Lives and Homes — Help People and Pets Survive

Join the Movement to Protect Zoo Animals

Pets At Great Risk — Save Shelter Animals from Crisis