Groomer Gets Dogs To Pose Together For The Cutest Nativity Scene

Groomer Gets Dogs To Pose Together For The Cutest Nativity Scene

Besides beautifully decorated Christmas trees, what else makes us think of Christmas? Probably the Nativity scene, as most of us as children had to do some form of Nativity reenactment either at church or through school (for those of us who went to a Christian school).

But one dog groomer hands down created the most adorable Nativity scene ever when she got her four-legged clients to join her in putting it together.

Jo Kingston, who owns the dog walking and grooming business called Wags to Riches in Leicestershire, England, created the photo that went viral back in Christmas 2017.

The scene was the first all-canine Nativity. And the costumes were easy enough to make as the groomer just wrapped towels around the dogs to resemble traditional Nativity robes.

And perhaps the best part was the tiny puppy in the manger who was portraying the Baby Jesus.

Needless to say, social media quickly fell in love with the picture, which has been retweeted thousands of times since it first went viral.

As Jo stated for the BBC, “I woke up and somebody tagged me in this photo saying, ‘Jo, you’ve gone viral.’ I’ve had so many people messaging me. I didn’t expect this at all.”

And as it turned out, the all-canine cast was pretty easy to work with and was quite obedient in staying still for the picture – so long as they were given treats.

“They were all happy to sit for the photo,” the owners said to The Dodo. “It’s amazing what dogs will do for a biscuit.”

The picture was so successful, that they made it a Christmas tradition – releasing another one last year in 2018.

They’ve even expanded to capturing other holidays and events, such as New Years, Valentine’s Day and the Royal Wedding.

Now we can all just sit and wait, hopeful they do a 2019 one.

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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