Dogs Left Behind During Eviction Refuse To Leave The House

Dogs Left Behind During Eviction Refuse To Leave The House

It doesn't just take a caring heart to go into the rescue business, it also sometimes takes a strong stomach.

The unfortunate truth is that humans can be so cruel towards animals, and they end up making life unbearably horrific for the animals involved.

People who work as rescuers often have to go into heartbreakingly awful situations in order to help animals.

For the Rescue Dispatch Team of Stray Rescue of St. Louis, it was just another day as they received a shocking call about abandoned dogs. The team had been called out to a property where there were dogs in need of help.

As the rescue explained in the video below, the family who was occupying the residence had been evicted and the dogs were left behind.

After the eviction, the landlord decided to get rid of the dogs, but the method chosen was so insensitive - the landlord simply left the door to the property open.

However, the dogs refused to leave the property. And as far as neighbors could tell, there was a mother and father dog, but they weren't sure if there were puppies or not.

Needless to say, the Stray Rescue of St. Louis was ready to go save the day - all thanks to their team consisting of Marianne, JJ, Chelsie, Julie, and Kaylee.

The rescue wrote, "We headed straight to the location and found 4 adults with 3 teeny tiny babies. There were feces everywhere. This little Fraggle Rock family of 7 is safe now and they just want to be held. We don't often see dogs like this abandoned. We know they'll be adopted quickly and have wonderful lives now!"

Watch the heartfelt video below:

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Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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