Three Filthy, Caged Kittens Rescued From Feeding Zoo

Three Filthy, Caged Kittens Rescued From Feeding Zoo

Photo: Brian

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

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My wife and I took a trip to Albany in July 2014. On the way back, we stopped at a small feeding zoo. As we were leaving, we heard a high pitched sound. Owning three cats already, we knew exactly what that sound was. 

Black kitten walks outside building

At the back of the barn, hidden behind a trash can, were three tiny black kittens in a cage. They were surrounded by flies and had gone to the bathroom in their water and food. We went to pet them through the cage, and all three were desperately trying to get some affection.


As we walked away, my wife asked, "Are you okay?"

I couldn't lie, "No. No, I'm not."

I knew we had three cats already and to take on any more would probably be too much, let alone adopt three more. But no matter how much I said that we couldn't adopt them, there was no way I could leave without them. So, we went inside and asked if they were someone's pets, and they said they were free to adopt. We said we would take them.

Black kitten sits straight up

They were a bundle on the two-hour drive home, climbing all around the car, inspecting everything. They all earned names: "Magellan" loved to explore the car, "Houdini" would always escape from their carrier no matter what, and "Winkle" just slept.

The vet said they were three of the healthiest one month old stray cats he had ever seen and the only thing they needed was some meat on their bones (they were all one-pound each). While we gave them all the love (and food) they could possibly consume, we sent the word out through out friends that Magellan, Houdini and Winkle were up for adoption.

Three black kittens cuddle together
Photo: Brian from Ossining, New York

A month or so later, a friend said they knew someone - a fellow cat lover - who could adopt two of them. We decided to give Magellan and Houdini to them. And what of Winkle? There was no way she was going to a shelter alone, so we decided to officially keep her and make her our fourth feline.

Story submitted by Brian from Ossining, New York.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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