'Oddball', 'Goof', 'Weirdo' - Cat Who's a Little Strange Wins Heart of Vet Intern
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
During my internship at a local vet clinic, I was informed that they regularly took cats from the nearby SPCA and boarded them while trying to locate suitable homes, so on my first day I steeled myself to see cats and kittens in need of a home and reminded myself that I couldn't save them all.

However, it only took fifteen minutes for one of the resident guests to jump out at me - literally!
One year old and six pounds of fluff, Lukey was waiting for me as soon as I opened the door! I was regaled about his crazy antics by the staff. "Oddball", "Goof", "Weirdo", "Crazy" - those were the words that got associated with Lukey, and they weren't lying!

He loved other cats (a bit too much) and their toys. He would reach into kennels when he was allowed to stretch his legs, and slowly scoop their food out with his paws, 'talking' to himself the whole time! I have never seen a cat so motivated by play, yet so quick to snuggle in someone's arms.
I couldn't understand why no one was jumping to adopt such a sweetheart. Then I was told that Lukey had been adopted once before, but his new owner had been unprepared for his gastrointestinal problems that required a special diet. He had been returned and had been at the clinic for months, living in a small kennel but still so eager to put on the ritz and make a show for whoever stopped by!

When I heard that his time was possibly drawing to a close, I jumped to take him home myself, and as crazy as he'll always be, life wouldn't be the same without Lukey's nonstop 'talking' and robbing his new fur-family's kibble from under their noses.
Story submitted by an anonymous user from Brigus, Canada.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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