Family Goes to Shelter to Get a Kitten, Brings Home a 20-Pound Cat Instead
Guest Contributor
Photo: Michele
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
My daughter and I wanted a cat, so we went to the local animal shelter. My daughter was busy looking at some kittens when an enormous paw came out of a cage and tapped my daughter's shoulder. She turned around and there he was, a magnificent Maine Coon.

He had terribly infected eyes, and the cage divider had been removed so there was adequate space for this enormous cat. He weighed almost 20 pounds and was friendly as could be.
My daughter had her heart set on a kitten, but this cat had picked us and we connected with him immediately. We knew right away he was ours, or we were his.
Sylbester loves children and people in general. When he hears children, he seeks them out and plays with them. Needless to say, he is always very popular wherever we live.

My granddaughter could not say the name the shelter gave him, Sylvester. She said Sylbester, so I felt the name fit because he is the best cat ever. He is very active and strong, and he loves the outdoors. He is so much fun and truly is a part of the family.
Since we have had Sylbester, I have been disabled due to a spine condition and lost the love of my life. I was heartbroken over and over, and Sylbester never left my side. I was hospitalized three times this year, once was for 10 days, and Sylbester cried for me. My brother called me at the hospital everyday, and I spoke to Sylbester on the phone to calm his unending cries that were driving my brother crazy.

I thank Sylbester everyday for all his love and attention and helping me through my darkest days. I saved Sylbester once, but he saves me over and over again.
Story submitted by Michele from Lafayette, Colorado.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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