The Animal Rescue Site News

The First US Animal Shelter Was Founded By Women 150 Years Ago

The First US Animal Shelter Was Founded By Wome...

"Animals have certain rights, as inalienable as those of man to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." -Caroline Earle White

The First US Animal Shelter Was Founded By Wome...

"Animals have certain rights, as inalienable as those of man to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." -Caroline Earle White

Malnourished Dog Abandoned At Vet Clinic Doesn’t Look Like A Dog At All

Malnourished Dog Abandoned At Vet Clinic Doesn’...

He's so adorable now that his hair has grown back!

Malnourished Dog Abandoned At Vet Clinic Doesn’...

He's so adorable now that his hair has grown back!

Science Confirms, People Who Talk To Their Pets Are Smarter

Science Confirms, People Who Talk To Their Pets...

If you're talking to your pet, you probably already knew that.

Science Confirms, People Who Talk To Their Pets...

If you're talking to your pet, you probably already knew that.

Science Confirms That Dogs Can Recognize A Bad Person

Science Confirms That Dogs Can Recognize A Bad ...

Here are the cues they pick up on.

Science Confirms That Dogs Can Recognize A Bad ...

Here are the cues they pick up on.

Neglected Dog Covered In Ticks Is Rescued Just In Time

Neglected Dog Covered In Ticks Is Rescued Just ...

Her previous owners did nothing to help her.

Neglected Dog Covered In Ticks Is Rescued Just ...

Her previous owners did nothing to help her.

Mailman Caught On Camera Repeatedly Pepper Spraying Small Dog

Mailman Caught On Camera Repeatedly Pepper Spra...

"The dog is withering in pain...makes me sick to my stomach."

Mailman Caught On Camera Repeatedly Pepper Spra...

"The dog is withering in pain...makes me sick to my stomach."