Dogs & Puppies

Overweight, Snappy Dog Set to Be Put Down, Intern Rescues Him
This past summer, I was an intern at the Champaign County Humane Society, and that is where my story begins.
Overweight, Snappy Dog Set to Be Put Down, Intern Rescues Him
This past summer, I was an intern at the Champaign County Humane Society, and that is where my story begins.

10 Fun Facts About the Spunky Dachshund
They’re popular family dogs and hold a big place in many dog lovers’ hearts. Read on to learn more about them!
10 Fun Facts About the Spunky Dachshund
They’re popular family dogs and hold a big place in many dog lovers’ hearts. Read on to learn more about them!

FedEx Driver Comes To The Aid Of Golden Retriever Battling Giant Stick in Heartwarming Rescue
A Golden Retriever named Beans surprised his owner when he tried to bring a stick nearly as big as a tree inside his home. The playful pup picked up a...
FedEx Driver Comes To The Aid Of Golden Retriever Battling Giant Stick in Heartwarming Rescue
A Golden Retriever named Beans surprised his owner when he tried to bring a stick nearly as big as a tree inside his home. The playful pup picked up a...

Senior Dog Found Wandering Near College Campus, No One Claims Him
My professor confided in me that she had found a little black dog running around on her way to campus one day.
Senior Dog Found Wandering Near College Campus, No One Claims Him
My professor confided in me that she had found a little black dog running around on her way to campus one day.

Stray Mama Dog Tucks Puppies in Tree Trunk to Keep Warm, Then Help Arrives
Read the full story.
Stray Mama Dog Tucks Puppies in Tree Trunk to Keep Warm, Then Help Arrives
Read the full story.