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Sunset over trees Lake Tahoe Beautiful nature image
Celebrate 20 Years of Conservation with The Rainforest Site
Since 2000, you’ve helped protect over 150,600 acres of vital habitat. Everything you do on The Rainforest Site, from clicking to donating to shopping contributes to making our planet a better, greener place.
Let’s come together and use our creativity, innovation and unity to fight for the earth. You can make a difference by sponsoring a tree in a deforested area and help wildlife flourish. Your voice can be heard with a petition that calls for fuel efficiency. And your purchases can protect vital habitat, at no extra cost to you. Remember, every small action you take makes a difference.
On this page you can explore numerous ways to come together with others like you in the GreaterGood community to make a change. You can also subscribe to our emails for other ways to help our planet, as well as the people and pets who live there.
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