NOVICA Artisan Pietrina Checcacci

Pietrina Checcacci

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I was lucky to know what would be my vocation at a very young age, and to focus on making it a reality through studying a lot as well as to having the freedom, coherence, honesty and dedication to follow through. I've been doing this for over 50 years, confides Pietrina, who was born in Italy and moved to Brazil when she was only 13 years old.

"I started out painting and life placed at my disposition other artistic manifestations such as sculpting with bronze and fiberglass, lithography and serigraphy, design and applied arts.

"Speaking from a philosophical and aesthetic point of view, my main theme is the relationship between human beings and their earth, their parameters and interactions. This has a base in being original, correct and precisely executed.

"When I look over what I have created so far I see a coherence with my truth. In times when everything is mass produced, copied and re-copied, it is wonderful to have an original and unique means of expression that makes so that everything I create is identified under my authorship.

Throughout her career Pietrina has received several awards and accolades, including 2nd place at Salão Cândido Portinari in Rio de Janeiro's Musel Belas Artes; a Gold Medal from Universidade do Brasil and 1st place at the I Mostra de Artes Visuais do Rio Grande do Sul.

In 1975 Pietrina received the Olho de Boi (Ox Eye) from São Paulo's state newspaper for the best seal of the year. This award is voted by art critics as well as the general population. In 1977 she received an award for the best religious seal from the Associação Filatélica de São Paulo de São Gabriel, and in 1981 she received an award for the best seal in Brazil from Congresso Mundial de Associação de Arte Filatética São Gabriel in Brasília.