Woman Plans To Have Her Daughter’s Birthday Party On The Day Of Her Stepsister’s Wedding
Louise Peralta
Oh, have I got a story for you!
By now, you’re all probably familiar with the ‘Am I The A-Hole’ subreddit, but did you know that there’s another subreddit that’s made especially for crossposting stories where the poster is considered the worst person in the world? (I’m exaggerating, but you get the idea.) It’s a place for crossposts where a poster is obviously an asshole - that's how they described the subreddit.
In a way, this subreddit is an archive that contains the best of the best (or worst of the worst) of AITA posts.
Anyway, let me get on with today’s story.
“AITA for having my daughter's first birthday the same day as my stepsister's wedding?”
So we have OP, who starts her post by saying that her mom got remarried to a man who already has a daughter, and she didn’t want anything to do with all that.
“[I] had pretty much no relationship with her and hated that my mom treated her like a daughter. I wasn’t the nicest to her, but I felt like she was taking my place,” OP wrote.
Her stepsister is getting married soon, but OP wasn’t invited. “Whatever. I didn’t invite her to mine either,” OP wrote.
(Going by OP’s tone so far, I’m guessing you already have an idea why her post was featured in AITD.)
Anyway, OP was planning her daughter’s first birthday around this time as well, and she decided to have it on the same day as her stepsister’s wedding.
When OP told her mom about the issue, the mom obviously said that the birthday party can’t be on the same day as the wedding and that OP should change the date so people won’t have to choose between where to go.
OP was stubborn though. She countered that since the wedding would take place at 8 in the evening, she can still have her daughter’s birthday party at 1 PM. Unfortunately for OP, almost everyone, including her mother, RSVPd no to her daughter’s birthday party.
“I’m pissed - how can she choose a stepdaughter over her own grandchild? Everyone is picking this girl who isn’t even really family over my daughter,” OP wrote.
(Now, I don’t if OP is purposefully not considering her guests' preparation and travel time, but I’m pretty sure squeezing in two events in a day would be extremely draining for most people. Also, the hours before a wedding can be stressful for everyone involved.)
“My mom says to just change the party, but I think it’s ridiculous they can’t do both and won’t change my schedule for my stepsister. And my daughter will be the one who suffers when none of her family is at her first birthday party.”
And that’s the end of the post! Unfortunately, we didn’t get to have any updates from OP, since she already deleted her post. It seems like this usually happens when people are labeled as the a-hole and the post gathers a lot of downvotes. This is also one of the reasons why AITD exists.
In the top comment of the original AITA post, a Redditor kept a copy of OP’s reply to one comment asking about her mother’s role in her stepsister’s wedding.
"She is taking on the mother role in the wedding since her stepsister’s mother died giving birth to her. Which I’m also not happy about.”
Honestly, I’m at a loss here. I can’t comprehend how resentful OP is towards her stepsister, who did nothing wrong. Also, she’s not happy about her mother being a wonderful human being. OP needs to work on her issues, and I just hope that reading all the comments on her post gave her a wake-up call.
Read the crosspost below.

A homebody who's in a never ending journey of being my own person.
A dog mom, a gamer, and a graphic designer.
I've been balancing my time between working for myself and for my family and have been enjoying my free time by either reading books, listening to music, or playing games.