Teenager Lost A Scholarship And A Seat At Her Dream College Because Of An Essay
Louise Peralta
What would you choose between morality and friendship? Tell the truth or change the trajectory of your friend’s life?
It would normally be a hard choice to make since friendship weighs more than morals in most people. But in this certain situation, the person making a choice is directly involved in something that their friend did.
“AITA for snitching and causing my friend to lose her scholarship/dream college acceptance?”
OP is a sophomore in college that has a friend, Tia, who’s applying for colleges and scholarships. Like the good friend that she is, OP helped her friend throughout the process, and her friend eventually got a full scholarship to her dream college.
So far, OP’s always been on the giving side of this friendship. But she’s been helping her friend with school in ways she didn't even realize...
One of their mutual friends praised Tia’s essay when they were talking with OP. Curious as to what the essay was about, OP asked if she could read the “heartfelt and beautiful” essay that their mutual friend was gushing about. It turns out that Tia had submitted one of OP’s essay drafts as her own.
“But as I was reading it, I was completely taken aback. The essay was one of MY college essay drafts, which I’d shown to Tia for reference on writing TECHNIQUES ONLY. I made this clear,” OP wrote.
On top of all this, the particular essay that Tia copied was really personal to OP.
“I trusted her with it, and this is what she did,” she wrote.
With the unexpected betrayal, OP decided to gather evidence against her friend, including the things that involved her college application and the specific essay that was copied, and showed it all to the school.
OP’s friend lost her scholarship and her place in the school.
Now, getting into a college is hard, and getting a scholarship is harder. So it may be understandable how some people are calling OP dramatic for doing all of this over a plagiarized essay, but stealing is never okay. Think of it as a case of copyright; you know what I mean?
Still, Tia was OP’s friend, and she’s having conflicted feelings about all that’s happened to her and her friend.
“Right now, I feel bad. I feel terrible. I feel like she took advantage of me, but I didn’t want to be the cause of something so horrible. I did myself justice but at the cost of someone’s dreams. Now I’m wondering if what I did was justified or not,” OP confessed.
Redditors are torn. Some people are saying that OP is the a-hole. Ultimately, however, OP is labeled as NTA.
In an edit made by OP, she shared one notable comment made by another user, who said they "hope all the Tia apologists are worked on [by] doctors who cheated throughout medical school and have their houses worked on by cheating electricians 😂.”
Maybe with that kind of closing statement, people who say that OP is in the wrong will change their minds about this whole situation.
Read the original post below.
AITA for snitching and causing my friend to lose her scholarship/dream college acceptance?
by u/jhhn- in AmItheAsshole

A homebody who's in a never ending journey of being my own person.
A dog mom, a gamer, and a graphic designer.
I've been balancing my time between working for myself and for my family and have been enjoying my free time by either reading books, listening to music, or playing games.