Reddit Asks, “What’s A Good Way Of Reigniting A Stagnant Conversation?”
Louise Peralta
Hi! I’ll admit it. I’m a dry conversationalist both in texting and in person.
End of conversation.
Kidding aside, I’m lucky I have friends that understand my tendency to lose interest in talking or texting suddenly. I’ve struggled enough in the past with how I need to keep up with everyone and keep all my friends up to date with my life that I’ve simply burnt out my social battery.
Now, my friends may be okay with my behavior, but not everyone tolerates a dry conversation. Keeping a conversation going might even be considered an important life skill!
It’s relatively okay in a casual environment, but talking in a business setting or dating is essential.
So this Redditor asks, “What’s a good way of reigniting a stagnant conversation?”
Maybe they asked because they’re trying to build a relationship, or maybe they’re just trying to get better at conversing in general. Sadly, the post didn’t get much attention, and only a few people answered the question.
The first answer in the post is to ask people about themselves.
“One thing never fails: people absolutely love talking about themselves. Ask them something about them and be genuinely interested.”
No one knows you better than you know yourself, right? Ask them about their hobbies, favorites, and all the basic stuff to get them to talk more. Treat it like a warmup to the actual conversation, I guess?
OP acknowledged this answer but followed up by saying that the person they have in mind seems shy and might not be very fond of talking about themselves. I think I get what OP means here. But I also think that maybe the person they have in mind isn’t comfortable enough with OP to talk more about themselves.
So if you’re still new to each other, try sticking to the more general stuff and ask more personal questions later.
OP’s next question is, how do you talk to someone naturally and not like an attempt at reigniting the conversation?
Now this one’s really dependent on your viewpoint. Doubting yourself or second-guessing yourself before actually sending a message may just become your downfall.
As another Redditor replied, “Don’t take yourself too seriously.”
Truly a thing to remember. If it’s not a business conversation, one that is detrimental to your career, it’s okay to make a mistake!! You’re human, and so is your conversation partner. In the future, you’ll both be laughing at past conversations anyway.
Another one added that it’s natural for conversations to drift off since topics come and go, and momentum tapers off at some point.
“No need to feel awkward. Just be relaxed, and don’t seem like you are wracking your brain to come up with stuff to talk about. Lulls in conversation are okay.”
This one hits home, guys. I used to overthink everything, and every silence was interpreted as awkward. But it’s not. When things are winding down, you can always smile, talk about light topics, or excuse yourself if you feel awkward.
Now reading more comments below, it seems OP is asking for tips for a romantic reason!
They asked, “Would it be too cringy to say something along the lines of 'The other day, I saw something which reminded me of you!'”
I don’t think it’s too cringy. In fact, I think it’d be kinda sweet! You can even say this to your platonic friends; it wouldn’t be cringy! I always get giddy when a friend messages me out of the blue to say that a character on a show reminds them of me.
Be weird. Be comfortable. Be you.
Read the original post below!
What’s a good way of reigniting a stagnant conversation?
by u/FibrousGalaxy in AskReddit

A homebody who's in a never ending journey of being my own person.
A dog mom, a gamer, and a graphic designer.
I've been balancing my time between working for myself and for my family and have been enjoying my free time by either reading books, listening to music, or playing games.