Reddit Asks, “Men Of Reddit, What Is Something We Women Do That Baffles You?”
Louise Peralta
In a Reddit post made by a now-deleted account, the OP asks,
“Men of Reddit, what is something we women do that baffles you?”
It’s a valid question that many people would discuss but never have the courage to actually ask outright.
They always say that women are confusing and that they are unpredictable most of the time. But if you really think about it, no living human in this world is predictable and easy to understand. Heck, even fictional characters are complex creatures!
With over 23k upvotes on the deleted post, Reddit answers the question about what they think the most baffling thing that women do is.
One of the top comments is kinda surprising to me, but it seems like most people agree with what the commenter said.
The way he starts his answer by saying that maybe it’s just his wife but then gets over 10k upvotes for his comment and replies that from people who experience that same thing with their own partners is kinda funny.
Since we’re already talking about talking habits, another Redditor commented how women talk silently, “like we’re sitting in a library” but then get mad if they can’t be heard. I’m a woman, and I sometimes speak softly as well, but I agree with this comment, as my mother also does this whenever we’re inside our home, even if she’s standing far away. Now, whenever she speaks on her phone though, it's an entirely different story, like she’s suddenly able to speak normally, loudly even.
And for something that’s evolved into a running joke with men with female partners…
And it’s apparently true, if the upvotes are anything to go by. Almost getting as much as the original post with 22.8k upvotes, people agree and share some of their own stories under the comment. Some even shared tips on what they can do while they wait for their partners to get ready!
Finally, the ultimate question that women ask their partners…
The answer to "would you still love me if I was a worm" was right under our noses this whole time
— Mary Safro (@MarySafroArt) February 10, 2023
Read the other comments in the original post here!

A homebody who's in a never ending journey of being my own person.
A dog mom, a gamer, and a graphic designer.
I've been balancing my time between working for myself and for my family and have been enjoying my free time by either reading books, listening to music, or playing games.