Emaciated Dog Suffering From Severe Skin Disease Needs Your Support To Heal

Emaciated Dog Suffering From Severe Skin Disease Needs Your Support To Heal

Photo: Animal Action Greece

Meet Ghost.

This friendly pup was found in horrible condition at a local dump in Xanthi, Greece. The dump is home to hundreds of abandoned and stray dogs with many in need of medical care. 

Thanks to your continued support, The Animal Rescue Site and Greater Good Charities are working with local rescues like Animal Action Greece to help feed and care for the dogs with a goal of finding loving homes for as many as possible. 

Photo: Animal Action Greece

Volunteers spotted Ghost during one of their feedings and took him back to the shelter for care. 

Photo: Animal Action Greece

Ghost has lost nearly all of his fur, and his skin is irritated due to a severe case of mange and scabies. He is finally getting the care he needs to treat his painful condition and is starting to regain his strength. 

He will need topicals, antibiotics, and medicated baths to treat his skin infection. He is also malnourished and severely underweight. It will take months for him to regain his strength and health. 

Photo: Animal Action Greece

Greater Good Charities' Emergency Animal Medical fund is donating towards his care, but we need your help.

The fund was created to give shelter dogs in need of medical care a second chance. Shelters are barely able to feed the animals in their care with their minimal budgets, which leaves little or nothing for medical bills. Countless lives have been saved thanks to your continued support.

This sweet boy has started his treatment, and his health is improving but he still needs help to continue his care. Will you help Ghost get the treatment he needs to heal?

Photo: Animal Action Greece

The overpopulation of homeless dogs and cats in Greece is an ongoing crisis. In late 2023, Greater Good Charities was approached by groups working in the city of Xanthi, Northern Greece, to assist in the support of over 600 dogs seeking out an existence in and around a municipal rubbish site. Since then, working alongside the Animal Rescue Site and community partners, they have provided food, specialist medical care, funded high quality spay-neuter services and supported foster and adoption for dozens of dogs.

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, Greater Good Charities and the Animal Rescue Site are in the process of deepening our commitment to the dogs of Xanthi, ensuring every animal has the support it needs. We are also expanding our reach to several new areas within Greece, supporting both cats and dogs in need.

Ghost is just one of the many pets we're helping in Greece, but we can't cover his ongoing care without your support. Help us meet our goal of $6,000 for Ghost and pets like him.


Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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