Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

Articles by Andrea Powell

Ukraine Cat Scared Off By Bombs During Evacuation Reunites With Family

Ukraine Cat Scared Off By Bombs During Evacuati...

"Words cannot describe the relief and happiness on their faces when they saw their beloved pet again." 

Ukraine Cat Scared Off By Bombs During Evacuati...

"Words cannot describe the relief and happiness on their faces when they saw their beloved pet again." 

Three-Legged Shelter Dog Who Beat Cancer Finally Finds Loving Home

Three-Legged Shelter Dog Who Beat Cancer Finall...

It is finally her turn and she couldn't be happier.

Three-Legged Shelter Dog Who Beat Cancer Finall...

It is finally her turn and she couldn't be happier.