Thousands of Displaced Pets Need Help in Kramatorsk, On the Ukrainian Frontlines

Thousands of Displaced Pets Need Help in Kramatorsk, On the Ukrainian Frontlines

The Russo-Ukrainian War has been going on since 2014, but it wasn't until February 24th, 2022, that things really ramped up with a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian military. Just over a week later, GreaterGood and Greater Good Charities launched into action, sending aid in the form of tourniquets and medical kits, food boxes and hot pizza, blankets and warm clothing, and pet food and pet supplies.

On this second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we'd like to tell you more about the people and pets you're helping and the ones who still need our help.


 width= Photo: United for Animals

Kramatorsk is an eastern Ukrainian city that has been bearing the burden of war since 2014, when it all first began. When the invasion began, however, things took a turn for the worse. Evacuations, destruction from bombings, and a general state of chaos have caused several thousand cats and dogs to be lost or abandoned by their owners.

Now there are an estimated 2,500 dogs and 4,000 cats loose on the streets with no place to call home. Roughly 300 volunteers do their best to feed and care for these animals, treat their wounds, and get them spayed and neutered. But they are just ordinary citizens, not organized shelters, and they are vastly outnumbered. They are true patriots and have weathered many storms with unwavering spirit, but they are not miracle workers.

 width= Photo: United for Animals


On top of that, many Ukrainians in war-torn areas like this one cannot even get their hands on enough food and supplies to keep their own families alive, let alone around 20 abandoned pets per volunteer. The task is a monumental one, and many of these animals are going without food and proper shelter because the humans who care for them simply aren't able to provide enough to go around.

One way we're helping is by donating to a local charitable foundation called "Friend." Friend was established in Kramatosk in 2011 to help homeless pets find shelter, care, and new homes, and they've successfully rescued, treated, sterilized, and rehomed countless animals. But they had no idea back then how much worse the problem was going to become a decade later.

At the beginning of the Russian invasion, the population of animals in need exploded to unprecedented levels. Friend was able to transport some animals to safer locations at the beginning of the invasion, but as the war draws on, those "safe" places are becoming fewer and farther between and are filled to brimming, making them unable to take on more pets.

 width= Photo: United for Animals


Friend desperately needs our support to continue to care for the large number of animals who are dependent on their care. They were never set up to care for this many pets, but they're doing their best under the circumstances. With your help, we're stepping up to make the job not only easier but also just plain possible.

Our most recent donation to Friend enabled the foundation to get hay for bedding for 80 dogs. This went a long way to make sure these pets in temporary care stay comfortable and warm through the winter months!

Can you spare a few dollars today to help improve the lives of starving and freezing pets who were abandoned in Kramatorsk and countless other conflict zones in Ukraine? It doesn't take much to change a life for the better!

Elizabeth Morey

Elizabeth Morey graduated summa cum laude from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI, where she dual majored in English Literature and Spanish with minors in Writing and Business Administration. She was a member of the school's Insignis Honors Society and the president of the literary honors society Lambda Iota Tau.

Some of Elizabeth's special interests include Spanish and English linguistics, modern grammar and spelling, and journalism. She has been writing professionally for more than five years and specializes in health topics such as breast cancer, autism, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Apart from her work at GreaterGood, she has also written art and culture articles for the Grand Rapids Magazine.

Elizabeth has lived in the beautiful Great Lakes State for most of her life but also loves to travel. She currently resides a short drive away from the dazzling shores of Lake Michigan with her beloved husband.

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