Dog Rescued From Neglectful Owner Learns What It's Like To Be Loved

Dog Rescued From Neglectful Owner Learns What It's Like To Be Loved

There is nothing more heartbreaking than seeing a dog who is being neglected.

It is unfathomable that someone could even think about having a dog of their own only to chuck them outside and keep them chained up in the backyard with nowhere to go.

It is so cruel and so infuriating that there are people out there who think that is the proper way to treat an animal.

For one dog, Lady, she was left outside, chained up to her dog house with a very small circumference of the world. In fact, her dog house wasn't much of a dog house either, it was just stacks of wood precariously piled onto one another in the form of a makeshift shelter.

It was no life. It was misery. She was constantly exposed to the elements. In fact, her situation was like a tiny jail for the dog - the reason she was being treated this way? She had chased after some of her family's chickens.

Needless to say, when Sidewalk Specials learned about her situation, they went over to check up on the dog. They wanted to see how she was.

They were shocked by the family's response. Lady's owners told the rescue to "take her or we'll kill her" - a threat they didn't need to issue twice as Sidewalk Specials quickly took in the frightened dog.

As miserable as Lady's life was, the little dog was very hesitant to be rescued, nervous to leave the only home she'd ever known. It's quite heartbreaking to think that this little pooch was so loyal to people who didn't deserve it.

But luckily for Lady, she was being taken in by people who actually cared about her, and they were about to show her what it meant to be a well-cared for dog!

Watch her rescue in the video below:

What do you think of Lady's journey? Let us know!

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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