Man Handfeeds Friendly Hummingbird
Anastasia Arellano
I have to say, hummingbirds are probably my favorite type of bird.
Even though they're so small, they so fast. It's fun watching them fly around. They're also quite pretty too as they've got such nice coloring to their feathers.

Growing up, I remember my dad would always put out several feeders for them in the backyard. That's as close as I ever came to seeing a hummingbird, just watching them from the window as they flitted around the hummingbird feeder.
But one man living in Oakland, California has the ultimate view of a hummingbird as he's managed to gain one bird's trust so that it comes up to him and feeds straight from his hand!

The video footage is incredible. In it, you see the man opening up his window and holding out a handheld hummingbird feeder.
Within seconds one hummingbird is approaching. Apparently, he's named his fast-winged visitor Hector.

Hector is quite adorable as he flies up to the man's hand before perching on his index finger and taking a long sip of nectar from the feeder.
It's so incredible to watch!
Check out the TikTok video down:
@birdperson666 Take a load off! 😋
What do you think of this interaction? Have you ever fed a hummingbird before? Let us know!

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26