Dog Tangled With Wire Survives Harsh Winter On The Streets

Dog Tangled With Wire Survives Harsh Winter On The Streets

When Diasozo Animal Rescue got a call for help, they quickly drove to a village in Greece to see what they could do.

When they got there, they discovered a poor dog who'd just about given up on life. The dog, Maximos, was dumped in the little village around two years ago. Winters were harsh there and no one was sure how he survived them on his own.

The rescue shared on YouTube that the dog originally refused to let anyone near him, but by the time they got there, he was docile.

It seems he'd give up and didn't care how "scary" humans might be. He made his way to a family's house and sat down outside, refusing to budge. Thankfully, he wasn't aggressive but the family knew he couldn't stay there so they called the DAR for help.

One of the rescuers tried to get Maximos up with a leash, but he wouldn't move. Then, she noticed something awful. The poor dog was tangled in a tight wire that was cutting into his skin. It had to be so painful and uncomfortable!

Because of the wire, the rescuer had to be extremely careful when lifting the dog to avoid hurting him. With a little help, she was able to safely get him into a crate in her vehicle.

Once at the veterinarian hospital, they realized that the wire wasn't the dog's only problem. He had diarrhea and would need veterinarian care for at least a couple of days.

Once the wire was removed and he was stable enough to go "home," DAR transported him to their rescue where they would continue rehabilitating him. They provide him with a safe place to sleep and plenty of love and play.

He's still a bit timid, but he's come a long way. Now, the rescue is hoping to find the perfect forever home for the loving boy.

Check out the rescue video below:

Malorie Thompson

Malorie works as a writer and editor in Northern California. She's passionate about food, conscious living, animal welfare, and conservation. She's worked with a variety of publications in different sectors but is happiest covering topics close to her heart. When not at her laptop, Malorie can be found enjoying picnics on the beach, hiking in the redwoods, and spending time with her rescue pup, Jax.

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