Owning A Dog Reduces Risk of Dementia In Old Age By 40%, According To Researchers

Owning A Dog Reduces Risk of Dementia In Old Age By 40%, According To Researchers

There are several health benefits to owning a dog. Taking them for a walk helps lower blood pressure and build strength, while a play session reduces depression and brings a smile to our face. But that's not all.

More studies are being conducted to see how else our furry companions enhance our lives. A recent study in Japan found that they may also reduce our risk of developing dementia as we get older.

Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology conducted a four-year study that monitored the health of roughly 12,000 independent senior residents over the age of 65 and discovered that those with dogs were 40% less likely to develop dementia.

Researchers believe that the physical exercise and social interactions are key in reducing risk of dementia and found dogs provide both regular exercise and social interactions.

They even found that dog owners who walked their dogs daily but did not have regular social interactions still had a lower risk of dementia.

Researchers also examined if owning a cat made a difference, but found that having a cat, "was not effective for preventing dementia". They believe the daily physical exercise and talking, even if just to the pet, is what helps ward off dementia.

Check out all of the findings here.

The research team has also looked at how owning a dog reduces frailty in seniors and found that once again the dogs were of great help.

Dogs are clearly good for our health and happiness. Elderly people can benefit from the loyal companion who will help keep them active. Head to your local shelter and save a life of a dog who will return the favor by improving your health. Sounds like a win-win!

Be sure to check out the senior dogs who may move a little slower but still have a lot of love to give. Adopt don't shop.

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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