Cat Watches Family From Cornstalks, Finally Decides She Wants Them to Be Her 'People'

Cat Watches Family From Cornstalks, Finally Decides She Wants Them to Be Her 'People'

Photo: Carrie

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

My husband and I had just moved into an older farmhouse in the country when he first saw her. She, who we now call Daisy, would watch him from the safety of the tall cornstalks that surrounded our house as he cut grass.

Each time, she would get a little closer. Finally, one day, she decided to sit on our porch and wait. She was a little afraid at first but let my husband and I hold her. She was dirty, skinny, starving and obviously beaten down by life. She was missing teeth and so infested with fleas that she was likely near death from loss of blood. The poor thing was a mess, but it was clear she was a fighter. Daisy had decided she finally wanted her own "people."


I wasn't sure about adding another cat to the family (we already had two), but she insisted. She tried to come in the house with us every time we opened the door. She would sleep on the porch all day and night, never leaving. Finally, I relented and let her in the garage.

After a trip to the vet, the removal of most of her teeth and a good flea bath, Daisy was on her way to recovery. The vet said she would not have survived long without us taking her in.

She quickly became attached to me and remains so to this day. Ironically, just months after Daisy joined our family, we lost our beloved Linzi (another cat that adopted us!) from a rare condition. It was Daisy's love and affection that got me through Linzi's passing.

Photo: Carrie from Sheboygan Falls, WI

Daisy is my little buddy and follows me everywhere. Kisses are never in short supply from this little girl. Somehow I think she knew that I would need her. She has her "people" now and forever. The vet says he is old - possibly 12. You would never know that with her playful antics.

We love our little redneck girl and cherish every day we have with her.

Story submitted by Carrie from Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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