Auto Shop Helps Remove Kitten From Car Undercarriage

Auto Shop Helps Remove Kitten From Car Undercarriage

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

My husband called me up from work one day to tell me that a kitten was stuck under his car, and he asked if I could drive out to help him. I hopped in my car and met him on a busy city street, where he was lying under his car trying to coax out a scared kitten who had wedged himself on the muffler.

My husband tried everything to get that kitten out, including going across the street to McDonald's and getting a fish sandwich to try to entice him with food. Nothing worked.


About three blocks away was a Midas repair shop. It was getting close to 7 o'clock, and we'd spent over two hours by that point on this. When I looked up the hours for Midas and saw that it closed at 7, I suggested that we carefully drive to the repair shop and take our chances with the kitten underneath, in hopes that they could put the car on a lift and retrieve the kitten.

My husband had the scariest drive of his life over to the shop, and I followed in my car. Once we arrived, it took a bit of convincing, but a kind mechanic put the car on a lift and after about 10 minutes, removed the terrified kitten.

At home, we could see the kitten was in bad shape. He was covered with dirt, had an eye infection, and had bugs on his skin. My husband put him in the bathtub and gave him the only baths he would ever tolerate. We had some kitty milk in a can and gave it to the kitten, which he lapped up furiously. Over the next few days, we got him to a vet to get the health problems taken care of.


At first we weren't going to keep him and made arrangements to have my parents look after him because we already had three cats in the house. But that kitten won my heart over and we wound up keeping him. Naturally, his name became Midas.

Story submitted by Amanda from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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