Last of the Litter to Be Adopted Becomes Trusty Gaming Buddy

Last of the Litter to Be Adopted Becomes Trusty Gaming Buddy

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

While on the internet one day, I found an ad for a girl giving away kittens for free. I went to investigate.

This little kitten had two siblings, both fluffy and adorable and spoken for. She, on the other hand, walked and wobbled funny and was matted and pathetic-looking. And, of course, when I sat down and held my hand out, she came right to me, mewled, curled up in my hand, and tried to purr. I was told if I wanted her I could just take her. The mother cat had stopped feeding them and she couldn't afford food. So I tucked her into the pocket of my hoodie and brought the poor thing home.

It didn't take me long to get her cleaned up and to discover that she had ear mites, fleas and worms. But a bath and a vet appointment helped get that in order, and also let me know she was too young to be eating wet food and should still be bottle fed. Because of her funky colours and personality, I named her Shimiko, which roughly translates to "painted girl/child" in Japanese.

I hand fed her a week or so after that, before transitioning her to wet food and litter training her myself. (Not without enduring accidents. Oops!) But because of this, she was my baby and my best friend... and perpetual gaming buddy! Whenever I was at my computer, which was a lot, she was in my lap purring away or watching. She loved belly rubs and was a piggy with food, her favourites being pizza and chicken. (Watch your food!)


I had her for six long and wonderful years, until one day she just laid down on the bath mat and couldn't get back up. She wouldn't eat and only drank bits at a time. I rushed her to the vet and was told it was liver failure and there was nothing they could do. I pet her and cried as I said goodbye to the best friend I ever had. RIP my lovely Shimiko.

Story submitted by Sarah from Surrey, Canada.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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