Stray Cat Jumps Into Arms of Woman Balancing a Handful of Packages

Stray Cat Jumps Into Arms of Woman Balancing a Handful of Packages

Laura Abbruzzese

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

Back in 2008, I had lost my sweet baby Sanuki. I still had two other cats at home and was considering adopting a young male kitten from the shelter. Before I had the chance, something remarkable happened.

Profile of calico cat

One cold and snowy night in January, I arrived home late and parked outside my apartment on a busy Chicago street. I stacked a handful of items in my arms and started toward my apartment door when I thought I heard the faint cry of a cat.


After scanning the area for a few minutes, I continued following the sound until I saw something move under the bus stop bench across the street. I crossed the wide high-traffic street and started toward the bench when out popped a young striped cat.

She proceeded to run over to me and leap into my arms, shivering and purring on top of all the stuff I was carrying. She snuggled right into my arms as I walked back across the busy street and entered my apartment. She immediately made herself at home.

Cat stretches on floor

I separated my cats to keep them safe and took her to the vet the very next day to check for a microchip. Secretly, I was relieved when she did not have a microchip because I had already fallen in love with her.

She is one of the prettiest and sweetest cats I have ever known. I named her Tilda, and of course she has a billion nicknames like SillyTilly. She does like to rule the roost and thinks she is the house diva. She has a wild streak and tries to run outside anytime the door opens.

Calico cat leans against brick
Photo: Laura Abbruzzese

She did escape once and was frightened by the neighbor's service dog. She fell three stories, and it took some time to find her. I was frantic. She ended up with a broken hip, so I am very careful to keep her safe inside. I feel like she was meant to be with me. She helped me find her, and when she jumped into my arms, she jumped into my heart.

Story submitted by Laura Abbruzzese from Chicago, Illinois.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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