High School Kid Makes Gourmet Meals In Under 30 Minutes During Lunch Breaks
Louise Peralta
This guy, in his own words, describes his gastronomic adventures in school as “a really bad cooking show.”
But it’s only bad in the sense of media production. His meals, however, are on a completely different level if we’re talking about school lunches.
So what comes to mind if you think about school lunches? A plain sandwich and a can of juice, maybe? Perhaps the typical “healthy” meal you get on a metal food tray that includes a section for carbs, veggies, fruits, and drinks?
All are acceptable, but this student and a bunch of his friends will captivate anyone that comes across their cafeteria table during lunchtime.
The wannabe chef, Danny, is able to cook a fancy omelet in a cup, throw together a pizza, make ice cream, and make butter from scratch.
Watch him and his friends make roasted garlic and parmesan butter on their cafeteria table in their TikTok below!
Some ingredients are prepared in advance, like the roasted garlic in the video below, but the fact that they were able to make butter during their brief lunch period is amazing!
Their arms might’ve gotten a bit sore though with all that shaking. While there’s me who couldn’t even be bothered to scrape off the butter I just bought from a store.
The TikToker also makes fairly simple dishes like egg sandwiches and lemonade.
In his lemonade video, someone commented that you can make lemonade by just juicing a lemon and simply adding sugar. Danny replied cooly that doing it like that makes a “mid lemonade,” and added that “I only make gourmet😤.”
Although he doesn’t post much, he already has over 170k. I for sure will be looking out for more of Danny’s creative, almost prison-like cooking in the future. I know his college friends will be fighting over who gets to sit next to him during their lunch breaks.
Watch the rest of Danny’s videos on his TikTok page below.

A homebody who's in a never ending journey of being my own person.
A dog mom, a gamer, and a graphic designer.
I've been balancing my time between working for myself and for my family and have been enjoying my free time by either reading books, listening to music, or playing games.