Ukraine Shelter Desperately Needs Food To Feed Over 3,000 Pets In Their Care
Andrea Powell
Sirius Shelter, located an hour outside of previously occupied Kyiv, is the largest shelter in Ukraine and is currently caring for over 3,000 animals.

The shelter is struggling to feed all the hungry dogs and cats and have started to cook whatever expired food that local supermarkets will donate to them. The staff and volunteers are doing the best they can with the minimal resources available to care for all the pets.

Greater Good Charities' (GGC) Field Ops team is traveling across Ukraine to check in with local partners and stopped by the shelter to see how we can help. Previously, the shelter has received pet food and wood to warm the shelter, thanks to your generous donations.

The sad eyes of the abandoned pets followed the team as they walked past the kennels and some dogs howled from the stress and hunger.

They saw how great the need was for nutritious pet food and immediately responded. "With so many mouths to feed, Sirius's needs are enormous, and they make very limited resources go a long way. But fortunately, we were there to help. Our team immediately reached out to UFA / United for Animals—long-time partners in our pet food distribution efforts—and five tons of dog food were set to ship to Sirius Shelter the very next day," shared GGC.

The shelter and several kennels were damaged during missile strikes in the area. There are countless dogs that are still healing from injuries, like Lady.

The sweet dog was found on the war-torn streets with a serious head and mouth injury. She received the medical care she needed and is on the road to recovery. GGC stated, "She underwent surgery, leaving a permanent bump on her face but a heart of gold. Lady is eagerly awaiting a family to call her own."

Abandoned pets of all ages and sizes continue to arrive that were evacuated from the frontlines. The shelter desperately needs our help to feed and care for all the animals until they find new homes. With your continued support, Greater Good Charities and The Animal Rescue Site will continue to supply pet food to the shelter.

These innocent animals have been through so much. Help ensure they have a full belly while they wait for a new home.

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.