The Hidden Threat to Bald Eagles: Lead in Fishing and Hunting Gear
Matthew Russell
Adobe Stock / Atomazul
The bald eagle, a symbol of strength and freedom for Americans, is facing a new and dangerous threat in the state of Michigan, MLive reports. Once near extinction, the population of these magnificent birds has slowly recovered, but their numbers are now declining again, this time due to lead poisoning caused by fishing and hunting gear, according to The New York Times.
Lead fishing weights and bullets used by hunters are a significant source of lead exposure for eagles. The birds can ingest lead by consuming the remains of animals that have been shot or the small pieces of fishing gear that have been left behind. This can cause serious health problems for the eagles, including weakened immune systems, decreased reproductive success, and death, Mongabay reports.

Bald Eagles can ingest lead by consuming the remains of animals that have been shot or the small pieces of fishing gear that have been left behind.
Conservation campaigns encourage hunters and anglers to switch to non-toxic alternatives to lead gear, such as tungsten, bismuth, or steel. According to the National Wildlife Federation, these alternatives are just as effective as lead but are much safer for wildlife and the environment.
Individuals can also play a role in helping to protect eagles from lead poisoning. Simple actions such as properly disposing of fishing line and weights, choosing non-toxic gear, and participating in local cleanup efforts can help reduce the amount of lead that eagles are exposed to.
Furthermore, residents can help monitor the health of the local eagle population by reporting sick or dead birds to the appropriate authorities. By working together, we can help ensure that eagles remain a healthy and thriving part of our wildlife for generations to come.
Bald eagles are an iconic symbol of freedom and power, and have made a remarkable recovery from the brink of extinction, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. However, these magnificent birds still face threats from human activities, including lead poisoning. Lead from fishing weights and hunting gear is one of the leading causes of death among eagles, and it's up to all of us to help prevent this unnecessary harm.

If you find a sick or dead eagle, report it to the appropriate wildlife rehabilitation center or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Here are 10 actions you can take to help save eagles from lead poisoning:
10. Use non-toxic fishing gear
Switch to using non-toxic fishing gear like steel or tungsten weights, and avoid using lead.
9. Support organizations that advocate for lead-free hunting gear
Support organizations that work to promote the use of lead-free ammunition and fishing tackle.

Lead from fishing weights and hunting gear is one of the leading causes of death among eagles.
8. Educate others
Share information about the dangers of lead poisoning with your friends, family, and hunting and fishing groups.
7. Report sick or dead eagles
If you find a sick or dead eagle, report it to the appropriate wildlife rehabilitation center or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Bald Eagles have made a remarkable recovery from the brink of extinction, but still face threats.
6. Support eagle rehabilitation centers
Consider making a financial contribution to local wildlife rehabilitation centers that care for sick and injured eagles.
5. Practice responsible hunting
Always follow proper disposal methods for your hunting gear and make sure to clean up any spent ammunition.

By working together, we can help ensure that eagles remain a healthy and thriving part of our wildlife for generations to come.
4. Avoid feeding eagles
While it may seem like a good idea to feed eagles, this can lead to the birds becoming habituated to humans, which can increase their risk of lead poisoning.
3. Recycle old fishing gear
Participate in fishing gear recycling programs, which help keep lead fishing weights out of the environment and away from eagles.

Feeding eagles can lead to the birds becoming habituated to humans, which can increase their risk of lead poisoning.
2. Participate in conservation efforts
Join local conservation groups and participate in their efforts to protect and conserve eagle populations.
1. Speak out
Use your voice to raise awareness about the dangers of lead poisoning and advocate for the use of non-toxic alternatives.
The fate of eagles and other wildlife is in our hands. By taking these simple actions, we can help protect these magnificent birds from the dangers of lead poisoning and ensure that they continue to soar in our skies.
It is important to remember that the preservation of eagles and other wildlife is not just about saving individual animals, but about maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystem and preserving the natural beauty of our state for future generations. By taking action now, we can ensure that eagles continue to soar over Michigan, inspiring us with their grace and strength for years to come.
Take the pledge to save bald eagles!

Matthew Russell is a West Michigan native and with a background in journalism, data analysis, cartography and design thinking. He likes to learn new things and solve old problems whenever possible, and enjoys bicycling, spending time with his daughters, and coffee.