Community Shows 91-Year-Old Crossing Guard Love On Her Last Day After 41 Years On The Job

Community Shows 91-Year-Old Crossing Guard Love On Her Last Day After 41 Years On The Job

A woman whose job it was to keep children safe for more than four decades has finally retired.

91-year-old Louise Kobs has been a school crossing guard on Long Island, New York since she was 50 years old.

But for Kobs, it was so much more than just a job.

As she grew older, her family tried to get her to retire, but Kobs loved her job way too much and refused.

In fact, she loved it so much that she's never called out sick in 41 years, says Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman.

"It was the greatest job, I love it very much," Kobs told ABC 7.

The Levittown crossing guard enjoyed not only helping the students safely cross the street but talking to them every day and getting to really know them over the years.

"She's awesome," student Ava Harrison told ABC 7. "Because if something happens, she will always be there."

After 40 years on the job, Kobs has finally agreed to retire and will be sorely missed by the community.

While her retirement is well-deserved, parents of students say she is a staple in the community and they are sad to see her go.

On her last day, she received flowers from students and officials, as well as lots of hugs, to thank her for her service. Nassau County also named the day "Louise T. Kobs Day."

Parents of students could even recall her helping them cross the street when they were students over 30 years ago.

Despite retiring, her days of helping people are not over.

Kobs says she plans on continuing to serve her community by doing volunteer work through her church and local police department.

Watch more of her inspiring and heartwarming story in the video below:

Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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