Second Chance At Life

Second Chance At Life

During college I worked at a local animal hospital. One weekend, I stopped by and was told of a kitten that was scheduled to be euthanized. I went to find the kitten but only found what seemed to be an empty cage. Back in the corner of the cage was an orange ball of fur. The kitten was barley moving and seemingly lifeless.

 width=PHOTO: Megan G.

She had been struck in the head by a dog at her previous owners and could no longer walk. The owners choose euthanasia instead of treatment.

I asked the veterinarian to delay the procedure till Monday and I would foster her through the weekend. I wanted her last days to be filled with love and affection.

I spent the weekend taking care of her. She would eat if food was held to her mouth and go to the bathroom if she was held up in her litter box.

Despite all of this, she still could not move. She would simply lay motionless whenever she was laid down.

Sunday night arrived and she still hadn't walked, I had lost hope. I knew that a life of being helpless and immobile was not fair to her. I laid down with her and said a prayer while she purred next to my cheek.

Monday morning arrived and my family and I began saying our goodbyes. My father held her and I began to cry. But then a miracle happened... At that moment she leapt from his chest to the floor. I jumped down, fearing she was hurt or injured. But she was neither. She was walking! Slowly and sideways, but walking none the less! Her coordination and balance slowly improved and she has walked every day since.

 width=PHOTO: Megan G.

Beepers, as I later named her, has become a permanent member of my home. She is my miracle kitten and truly the best cat I have ever owned. She loves to be cuddled and runs around the house like she's been doing it her whole life.

Everyday I'm thankful I walked into the clinic that day, and that she walked into my life.

Story submitted by Megan G. of Decatur, Illinois.

Beeper's story was originally shared on Share your very own rescue story here!

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