The Determined Kitty, Inky

The Determined Kitty, Inky

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I remember getting Inky and her sister, Princess in 2008 from the humane society. I was filled with joy that we were not getting one kitten, but two! We already had two cats (Kitty and Oreo) at home so we knew how to properly care for cats. The kitties had spent their first night in my sister's room and had spent the entire night wrestling and jumping around.

Everything went lovely for the following years and all of the four kitties were in great health. Until January 9th, 2013 came, we had run into some serious problems with Inky. She had digested a lily which was potentially fatal and had major kidney issues.


My mom and I brought her into the vet immediately and it was her home for about a week. We tried feeding her tuna, chicken, beef, and dry food. It was the third day she was there that she finally chowed down on some pieces of dry food.

The entire vet place celebrated since Inky had been on an IV for the past few days. Then the vet let us bring her home where we had to give her shots and we had give her wet, mashed up food through a syringe and sometimes water.

She started to get better and I was overjoyed that my kitty would be coming home.

Her sister missed her and didn't stop cuddling her when she got home.

In about February, Inky had returned to feisty self. The vet told us she wouldn't survive a night.

 width=PHOTO: Anonymous

Inky has been alive for about 9 months more than the vet thought. Her and her sister's birthday is in about a month and we will be celebrating it along with Kitty, Oreo, and our newest addition to our pet family, Joslyn (she's a pit bull/lab mix and we got her July).

Inky is the strongest cat I've ever met and I'm so glad she's here today to be so close to the anniversary to the day we thought she was going to die.

Story submitted by Anonymous of Cedar Springs, Michigan.

Inky's story was originally shared on Share your very own rescue story here!

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