Trip to Adopt One Puppy Ends with a Second 'Wiggly Butt' Puppy

Trip to Adopt One Puppy Ends with a Second 'Wiggly Butt' Puppy

Ronni Katz

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

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When we lost Jenny, one of our beloved dogs, we were heartbroken. Our other two dogs, Hannah and Emily, were really feeling the loss, so we decided to check out a litter of border collie/retriever pups at a local rescue in Maine.

We took Hannah and Emily with us, and we were chosen by Lucy, one of the 10 girls in the litter. We also met Kristie, with the big kisses and wiggly butt, and it was a hard choice. The next morning, my partner told me that she could not get Kristie out of her head, and I asked if that meant she wanted to adopt her instead of Lucy.


She shook her head, and I realized that she wanted us to take both puppies. Something inside told me to go for it. The next day, I was driving home with the two 15 week old sisters.

Hannah had not been feeling well, and I pulled into the driveway as my partner drove up with Hannah after a visit to the vet. The news was not good. Hannah’s liver numbers were climbing, and she would need to spend the next five days in the hospital to try to bring down her bilirubin with high amounts of fluids.

The joy of bringing home new babies was quickly overshadowed by grief as Hannah’s condition continued to decline. We decided that Lucy and Katie (as she was now known) would go back to the rescue until Hannah’s condition was resolved.

After five days of loving and bonding with those puppies, I drove them back and left in tears as I promised to return to bring them home.

Less than three weeks later, Hannah died of advanced liver disease. The following day, we made good on our promise and brought our little girls home. They are about to turn five, and each year, we throw them a party to show our gratitude for the incredible gifts they continue to provide. Nothing replaces the loss of a loved one, but nothing helps the healing process like new love.

Photo: Ronni Katz

Story submitted by Ronni Katz from Port Chester, New York.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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