Homeless Pets Saved From Front-Line Territories In Ukraine Snuggle Into Warm Blankets Donated By You

Homeless Pets Saved From Front-Line Territories In Ukraine Snuggle Into Warm Blankets Donated By You

The winters are long and hard in Ukraine, especially for homeless dogs and cats. There are hundreds of animals in need of food and shelter due to the ongoing war. Thankfully, there are kindhearted Ukrainians who are caring for the abandoned and stray animals.

But they can't do it alone.

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For the past two years - with your generous support - we have been sending food, supplies, and aid to Ukrainians and pets. We recently delivered warm blankets to Inna, the owner of Shelter in Tomakovkaan, who is caring for over 100 dogs and cats rescued from the front-line territories of the Zaporozhye region.

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The wool blankets, purchased from Kharkiv, Ukraine, to support suppliers and staff, were quickly put to use to provide a soft and warm bed in outside dog kennels as well as a cozy place to nap for cats and dogs inside the shelter.


Cats wasted no time in curling up on the blankets for a nap while several dogs gathered together to enjoy the warm gift.

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Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us care for these innocent animals that are caught in the crosshairs of war. This warm gift has changed lives, and the pets are forever grateful.

See how they responded to your generous gift in the video below.


However, the need is still great. Join us in lending a helping hand to Ukrainian people and pets by donating more blankets below. Pet blankets are also vital to keep pets warm and provide comfort in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people and sounds. Every blanket makes a difference in the life of a pet.

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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