Help Save Our Threatened Oceans
The UN’s latest Intergovernmental Report on Climate Change reports that temperatures since 1970 have been rising significantly and twice as rapidly in the last 25 years. This rapid warming coincides with rising sea levels and more frequent marine heat waves which together create a ripple effect resulting in massive die-offs among all sea-dwelling species.
Additionally, recent major flooding has led scientists to predict the more frequent occurrence of ocean dead zones—areas of water not able to sustain life due to low concentrations of oxygen. These occur when agricultural industry runoff and pollution end up in rivers and subsequently the ocean. There are also an estimated 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean, polluting countless habitats and putting many species in danger.
Given our oceans comprise more than 70% of Earth’s surface, this can all lead to catastrophic economic implications for coastal communities dependent on ocean life and even more dire global consequences.
Greater Good Charities is dedicated to the conservation of our earth’s oceans and marine life by:
- supporting beach and ocean cleanups
- educating the public about waste-prevention activities including finding alternatives to plastic
- supporting conservationists who are identifying marine life habits and diseases to aid in their long-term protecting and survival
- raising awareness about safe fishing practices
- providing means for ocean-friendly economic opportunities for low-income coastal communities
- and supporting the rescue, rehabilitation and care of marine life.
You can help protect our oceans. With your donation, Greater Good Charities can support trash cleanups, conservation efforts, and put a stop to illegal fishing practices.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.