Elena is one of more than 600 sick, malnourished dogs in Greece who need our support to survive. Will you help give this pup a brighter future?
In the municipality of Topeiros in East Macedonia, the stray dog population is out of control and unfortunate animals need immediate aid. Approximately 600 dogs are in danger and need assistance before it’s too late. Many of them are ill, suffering from parvo, mange, and hunger. Angel’s Garden, the local animal shelter, is stretched beyond capacity trying to care for them.
Elena spends her days searching for a morsel of food in piles of garbage. She is only a puppy but must fend for herself at the dump. She is starving and suffering from malnutrition and possibly other illnesses.
She has never experienced a full belly, or a gentle pat. Help her get the care she needs to survive and thrive.
Spaying and neutering are essential in controlling the pet population, especially at the dump. We have successfully neutered 150 dogs but need your help to spay/neuter the remaining 500 pups.
So many are dying. These poor, innocent dogs are scared, starving, and many have never known the love and comfort of a safe home. Many, because of illness, will never have the chance. We need your help to save them.
600 other sick and emaciated dogs in Greece need your help NOW! Donate to give these pups a fighting chance.
Greater Good Charities is actively responding to this crisis. We’re working with Angel’s Garden and Animal Action Greece to provide care and treatment to these 600 pups.