Bean was brought to the shelter with an injury to her back leg that kept her from putting weight on it. She had to be carried from place to place because of the obvious pain she was in.
At the vet, Bean’s x-rays confirmed a broken leg. Doctors first told shelter staff her best option was amputation, but they sought a specialist who offered another form of treatment. Bean will undergo a femoral head ostectomy to relieve the pain in her hind leg and restore mobility.
Bean is expected to make a full recovery and has already found a foster family to care for her through this process, but she still needs your support. Will you help Bean get the surgery she needs to heal?
Help Bean heal from a broken leg!
You can help Bean get the intensive treatment she needs to heal. Your gift will not only give her the hope to keep fighting, but your donations will help cover her ongoing care.
Help us meet our goal of $6,000 for Bean and pets like her.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.