Francis was rescued off the streets when a bystander saw teenagers throwing rocks at the poor pup. When he arrived at the shelter, staff immediately noticed that Francis had trouble walking due to the pain in his hind legs.
Francis was rushed to the emergency vet where it was determined that he was suffering from severe damage to the joints in his hind leg and would need surgery as soon as possible.
Francis needs a special surgical procedure to fuse his leg and feet bones to improve joint function in his hind leg—without it, walking would become nearly impossible for poor Francis. After surgery, this sweet boy will need a few months of care and physical therapy at the shelter as he rehabilitates. But once he's finally healed, he's sure to find the perfect loving forever home.
Success! You helped provide Francis with the gift of living pain-free!
About Francis:
- Location: San Diego, California
- Breed: Black Lab
- Age: 2 years
- Best Trait: Playful and affectionate
- Medical Problem: Damaged joints
- Treatment: Surgery and ongoing care
You can help sweet Francis begin his treatment. Your support will not only give Francis the hope to keep fighting, but your donations will help cover the surgery, ongoing care and food he will need.
Help us meet our goal of $6,200 to care for Francis and pets like him. Funds raised over the goal amount will go to supporting Greater Good Charities' life-saving programs.