Massive cuts at VA and across government creating greater need to support at-risk veterans
The VA - where 1 in 4 workers is a veteran - isn’t immune to federal job cuts. Currently, the agency is set to lose 80,000 workers. Even before those cuts, severe staffing shortages have been reported at most VA health centers, meaning veterans will now have even more difficulty accessing essential services. Moreover, veterans make up about 30% of the federal government’s overall workforce. With hundreds of thousands of federal jobs on the chopping block, the number of vets facing financial and housing insecurity will rise.
Our partner, Greater Good Charities, works to provide food and comfort items to veterans experiencing homelessness in areas with high veteran poverty populations. Through our relationship with the VA, these essential items will ensure local veterans have access to basic supplies and nutritious meals.
Each Good Pack includes supplies such as:
- A pack to hold supplies and possessions.
- Toiletries including shampoo, soap, and toothbrush.
- A reusable water bottle.
- T-shirt, socks, and additional clean clothing.
- A blanket for warmth and comfort.
For veterans caring for a beloved animal companion, these pets provide emotional support and comfort, yet the responsibility can bring an added stress to a homeless veteran’s life.
Each Pet Pack includes supplies such as:
A functional pack to hold the supplies.
- A collapsible bowl to provide a clean place for the pet to eat or drink.
- A slip lead leash to ensure the pet remains safe with their veteran owner.
- A pet toy for a fun distraction.
- Pet food and treats to provide the veteran's pet nourishment.
Give both a Good Pack and a Pet Pack to make the biggest impact!
Just $25 can help provide a Good Pack to a veteran and their pet experiencing homelessness. They fought for you; now you can fight for them by donating today.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
10/11/24 Update

Greater Good Charities was on the ground in Asheville, North Carolina, delivering thousands of hygiene products, pet food, and Good Packs to the local VA for veterans affected by the recent storms. Their team will continue distributions as the area begins recovery efforts.
11/09/23 Update

In honor of Veterans Day, our team attended the Operation Veterans Stand Down Event in Miami on November 9, 2023! We handed out nearly 250 Good Packs and 75 supplemental pet packs to veterans in the community, who shared their stories and expressed their heartfelt gratitude for this support. Through distributions like this, Greater Good Charities makes a difference in the lives of veterans in need, and expands our network of partners in order to bring Good Packs to more communities!

9/28/23 Update
Wonderful supporters like you recently made it possible for the Greater Good Charities' team to attend a Service Dog Awareness Event in Florida, where they distributed essential supplies to pet-owning veterans in need.