Meet Bowie: The Rescue Kitten With Different-Colored Eyes That's Famous On Instagram

Meet Bowie: The Rescue Kitten With Different-Colored Eyes That's Famous On Instagram

Bowie the cat has an unusual appearance to match his name. And he is quite the stunning boy.

This beautiful cat was born with different colored eyes, a condition that is known as Heterochromia. Heterochromia causes changes to the body’s pigment, and as a result, often ends up with two different eye colors.

Cats with heterochromia are sometimes called “odd-eyed cats,” and these felines often white, but they can come in any color so long as they carry what is called a “white spotting gene”.

Bowie lives in Alicante, Spain with his adoptive mother, Maria Lloret. Prior to his adoption, Bowie had a rough life as a street cat before he was taken into a veterinarian’s office.

That is where Maria first saw him and adopted him. She knew right away that she had to name him after the famous singer, David Bowie, who also had two different colored eyes.

While David Bowie’s different-colored eyes as a result of a different condition called anisocoria – where his pupils differed in size – the name Bowie is still very fitting.

Bowie the cat is quite charismatic and adventurous – clearly having the personality to match his unique look. He loves to go on adventures with Maria.

Maria has even made Bowie his own Instagram account, bowie_the_ cat, where she shares all kinds of beautiful pictures of Bowie and his striking eyes.

It is no wonder that this cat is enjoying celebrity status on social media very quickly after his Instagram debut.

Take a look at our favorite snaps of Bowie below:

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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