Unexpected Benefits Of Drinking The Right Amount Of Coffee

Unexpected Benefits Of Drinking The Right Amount Of Coffee

Getting to drink a cup of coffee first thing in the morning is already a blessing, I’m inclined to say.

I mean, an energy boost right after waking up? Please and thank you!

But you’d be glad to know that coffee isn’t just a sort of power drink.

Benefits of drinking coffee

Energy Booster

Since it’s already been mentioned, coffee is an energy booster because it contains caffeine.

Caffeine, although addicting if consumed too much, is a natural chemical that is able to stimulate our brain and nervous system.

“Caffeine exposure affects the central nervous system and its molecular pathways, including neurotransmitters systems,” a study said. This helps regulate energy levels and may decrease symptoms of diseases such as depression and ADHD because of increased dopamine.

Athletic Performance Enhancer

The beverages associated with anything athletic are energy drinks and protein shakes. But a simple coffee can also do the job!

Did you know that proffee was apparently a trend on TikTok?


Researchers claim that drinking coffee before exercise can improve endurance and physical performance, and it can also reduce an individual’s perceived exertion.

Helps You Live Longer

Is coffee perhaps the key to living longer? Research suggests that drinking up to 4 cups of coffee daily can dramatically reduce the risk of premature death.

But even with this kind of research, maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle is key to minimizing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and premature death.

Another study suggests that the moderate consumption of coffee, particularly caffeinated coffee (range 1-6.5 cups per day), is associated with a lower all-cause and cancer mortality, even after a long follow-up period (12 and 18 years).

Lowers Risk Of Depression

As mentioned at the top of the list, coffee is able to help regulate and increase dopamine levels, so it’s only natural that coffee can also lower the risk of depression.

The effects of having low levels of dopamine have been associated with depression. Another study observed that there is an association between caffeine consumption and a lower risk of suicide.

Lowers Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

A study, discussed more in this article, claims that caffeine helps mothers prevent type 2 diabetes.

“The research team observed 4,500 participants, primarily white women with a record of gestational diabetes, for 25 years. The results showed that people who consumed over 4 cups of joe daily after pregnancy reduced their risk by 53%. On the other hand, those who drank 2 to 3 cups decreased the threat by 17%. For women who only had one cup of coffee every day, they lowered their risk by 10%.”

Promotes Weight Management

Numerous studies have claimed that higher coffee consumption is associated with decreased body fat in both men and women.

Perhaps another reason why coffee is linked with weight management is because caffeine increases a person’s energy levels, so they would likely be more active, a study suggests. “Middle-aged women who drink 1-2 cups of coffee or >1 cup of tea/day are more likely to meet the moderate-to-vigorous physical activity guidelines than those who drink <1 cup/day,” they said.

Protects Against Liver Conditions

“Coffee consumption is associated with improvement in liver enzymes (ALT, AST, and GGTP), especially in individuals with risk for liver disease. Coffee intake of more than 2 cups per day in patients with preexisting liver disease has been shown to be associated with lower incidence of fibrosis and cirrhosis, lower hepatocellular carcinoma rates, as well as decreased mortality,” a study said.

Supports Brain Health

Consuming coffee can help protect against Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia.

Read our article here for a more in-depth discussion of the study backing up this claim.

Supports Heart Health

My mom will always scold me if she catches me making a cup of coffee. She says that it’s bad for the heart, as it causes palpitations, but I’ve never experienced that, even back when I drank 6 cups of coffee in a day.

Also, studies have shown that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, or heart failure.

One study concluded that increasing coffee consumption was associated with decreasing long-term risk of heart failure. Of course, it’s another story if an individual has uncontrolled blood pressure.

Hypertensive patients with uncontrolled blood pressure should avoid consuming large doses of caffeine.

As always, whenever you decide to change your lifestyle or make any drastic diet changes, consult your doctors first. Consuming large amounts of coffee may have negative effects on some people.

Check out the video below!

Louise Peralta

A homebody who's in a never ending journey of being my own person.

A dog mom, a gamer, and a graphic designer.

I've been balancing my time between working for myself and for my family and have been enjoying my free time by either reading books, listening to music, or playing games.

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