Elephants Rush To Help Elderly Herd Member That Slipped And Fell

Elephants Rush To Help Elderly Herd Member That Slipped And Fell

Elephants are large creatures. They have a very fearsome presence in the wild.

Despite their imposing size, these gentle giants are well known to be very sensitive and empathetic creatures.

They are capable of showing a range of different, complex emotions such as grief, selflessness, and compassion, among many other feelings.

But perhaps one of the things that elephants are most known for, is being helpful and protective towards other animals.

Elephants have been known to show this type of kindness towards animals outside their herds. But within their herds, they definitely have very strong bonds. And one video in particular best exemplifies how much these gentle giants can care for one another.

In the human world, we are raised to respect and appreciate our elders. We place an importance on looking out for our oldest and most fragile members of society. As it turns out, these sentiments are also shared by elephants who show a great deal of care and respect for their senior family members.

Captured in a video, which was then shared by the Samui Elephant Haven, was a family of elephants coming to the aid of one of their oldest members who'd fallen.

As the sanctuary explained in their video's caption, the older elephant, known as Grandma Somo, had suffered a fall.

Immediately, the rest of her herd rushed to her side to help her out. They all crowded in to see if she was okay. Luckily, it was just a little trip up, and the older elephant was okay. Still, the clip shows just how compassionate and emotionally intelligent these big animals can be - it's a lesson in compassion we can all stand to be reminded of.

Watch the clip on Instagram down below:


What do you think of these elephants coming to the aid of their elder? Let us know!

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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