You've Helped Us Keep Thousands of Ukrainians Warm This Winter!

You've Helped Us Keep Thousands of Ukrainians Warm This Winter!

With the support of our customers, GreaterGood has been standing in solidarity with the people of Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion in February of 2022. As many Ukrainians are displaced from their homes or go without power to heat their homes, we've been providing them with blankets, along with food and other basic necessities, to keep them safe and warm through harsh wartime winters.

We've donated tens of thousands of blankets to people and pets in need in Ukraine so far, and we have you to thank for it! We can't believe the amazing numbers we've seen in January alone!


 width= Photo: GreaterGood/Nina Yevtushenko

In honor of the Day of Unity of Ukraine, which commemorates the signing of the Treaty of Unity between eastern and western Ukraine on January 22nd, 1919, we're overjoyed to announce our donation numbers for the first month of this year. Ukraine may be in turmoil right now, but they stand united against their foes, and we are proud to stand with them!

This year's giving has started off incredibly strong. Together, we have funded more than 5,400 blankets for Ukrainians in need just in January of 2024! We cannot wait to see what the rest of the year will bring!


 width= Photo: GreaterGood/Nina Yevtushenko

Many of these donated blankets are full-sized ones that went to families to keep warm during the winter, and some were baby blankets that were distributed to new mothers. We also received an overwhelming number of blanket donations for shelter pets. Because of the destruction and infrastructure issues in Ukraine, many displaced pets are living at poorly supplied and makeshift animal shelters. Some have little to no proper bedding, so the blanket donations greatly help these animals to stay comfortable as they await brighter days and new families.

 width= Photo: GreaterGood/Nina Yevtushenko

At the end of 2023, our blanket donations for the entirety of the war stood at 46,000 blankets, so this month's 5,400-plus blanket donations have pushed us over the 50,000 mark!


 width= Photo: GreaterGood/Nina Yevtushenko

We're so excited to be able to provide so many Ukrainian-made blankets to people and pets in need in Ukraine, especially to those who may not have full-time access to power to heat their homes or may not have well-insulated homes to go to at all.

Your blanket donations also help support Ukrainian jobs and industry. All our donated blankets are purchased from a textile factory in Kharkiv, Ukraine. We're also now the only distributer of VLADI wool scarves and blankets in the U.S., and you can purchase your own Ukrainian-made blanket at our online store to further support Ukraine. Our "Buy One, Give One" program allows you to receive your own high-quality wool blanket or scarf while also giving a blanket to someone in need in Ukraine at no extra cost.


 width= Photo: GreaterGood/Nina Yevtushenko

Thank you to all of our patrons who have trusted us with your donations! Your support helps us give where it really matters!

Please consider helping us continue to aid Ukrainians in need by making a blanket purchase or donation today! Let's make 2024 the best year yet!

Thank you so much for your help - we need all the support we can get to continue this important mission!

Elizabeth Morey

Elizabeth Morey graduated summa cum laude from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI, where she dual majored in English Literature and Spanish with minors in Writing and Business Administration. She was a member of the school's Insignis Honors Society and the president of the literary honors society Lambda Iota Tau.

Some of Elizabeth's special interests include Spanish and English linguistics, modern grammar and spelling, and journalism. She has been writing professionally for more than five years and specializes in health topics such as breast cancer, autism, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Apart from her work at GreaterGood, she has also written art and culture articles for the Grand Rapids Magazine.

Elizabeth has lived in the beautiful Great Lakes State for most of her life but also loves to travel. She currently resides a short drive away from the dazzling shores of Lake Michigan with her beloved husband.

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