Neosporin Alternatives for Dogs and Other Pet-Friendly Products for Canine First Aid Kits
Rebecca West
It doesn't matter the age or breed. Minor cuts and scrapes occurring with active pets are all part and parcel of owning critters. Generally, we deal with them by gently cleaning the owie with warm water, stanching any minor bleeding, and allowing the area to dry thoroughly. Sometimes, however, these booboos require a bit more intervention without rising to the level of veterinary care.
You might be inclined to whip out the first aid kit and reach for the Neosporin, but you know your pet will try to lick the ointment or cream off unless the cone of shame makes an appearance, and you really hate to put them through that if you don't have to. You can always try bandaging it, but your dog will likely spend nearly every waking moment trying to remove it. So, what to do? Well, there are some veterinary-approved products you can purchase to keep in your canine first aid kit.
First Aid Kits for Pets
Speaking of which, if you don't already have one, it's a good idea to put together a first aid kit for your pet or pets. For some insight into the items or products you should have on hand, you can always check with your vet. If it's easier, you can order a kit pre-stocked on the internet or find one at a brick-and-mortar pet supply store. The following is a list of products to have on hand if you're putting one together from scratch or adding to a preexisting kit.
• Vetericyn Plus Antimicrobial All Animal Wound and Skin Care — Nontoxic, this cream, unlike Neosporin, won't upset your dog's tummy, even if they manage to lick it off.
• Douxo S3 PYO Antiseptic Antifungal Chlorhexidine Dog & Cat Shampoo — Perfect for cleaning wounds, this shampoo created for pets with itchy skin contains chlorhexidine, which has antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties.
• Mal-a-Ket Wipes for Dogs & Cats — Convenient dog-safe wipes containing chlorhexidine for spot cleaning wounds without all the soap and water. These can be handy for walks or hikes or any time you're on the go.
Natural First Aid Alternatives for Pets
Manuka or Scottish Heather Honey — While honey is well known for its antibacterial properties, two in particular have been investigated for veterinarian use. Manuka honey from New Zealand has shown promise and can be used in place of Neosporin, but honey from Inverness in the Scottish Highlands is an even better choice.
Research on the subject has shown that Highland heather honey is actually more effective at treating certain infections than manuka honey, and that includes the microbes behind MRSA as well as three other strains of bacteria. These types of honey contain methylglyoxal. Because honey is safe for dogs in small quantities, it's okay if they manage to sneak in a lick or two.
It should be noted that if you only need to apply a thin layer of Neosporin on your pet's wound and they lick it nothing drastic will likely happen unless they have a sensitivity to it. It's the repeated licking of it or consumption of the product in higher levels that can be toxic to dogs.

Rebecca is a writer and editor for both print and digital with a love for travel, history, archaeology, trivia, and architecture. Much of her writing has focused on human and animal health and welfare. A life-long pet owner, she has taken part in fostering dogs for military members during deployment and given many rescued and surrendered dogs the forever home they always wanted. Her two favorite canine quotes are, "Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are," and "My dog rescued me."