Deforestation is a Key Threat to Endangered Chimpanzees, But You're Helping Us Address It
Michelle Milliken
Chimpanzees, who along with bonobos are our closest living relative, are endangered. The species spends most of its time in the trees, so deforestation is among their biggest threats. Poaching is another. To help address the first issue, we’ve teamed up with an organization committed to helping apes and monkeys in Africa.
With a grant from GreaterGood, Greater Good Charities has partnered with PASA (Pan African Sanctuary Alliance) to plant 240,000 seedlings over five years in critical chimpanzee habitat within the Albertine region of Uganda. As part of the effort, PASA will help farmers develop land use plans focused on nature-based solutions.

PASA says that in this region, chimpanzees are under threat due to an increase in deforestation and agricultural encroachment on forests. This has led to the loss of habitat and food, as well as more conflicts with people.
The organization explains, “In order to address this urgent issue and generously supported by Greater Good, [PASA-member] Chimpanzee Trust has initiated this five-year project to reforest large areas of Hoima, Kikuube and Kakumiro districts, in the Albertine Region of Uganda. The project is helping to restore private forests and will reduce human wildlife conflicts by providing the chimpanzees with forest habitat in which they can forage and live safely without venturing into human communities. To ensure that this new habitat remains intact, neighboring communities have been provided with both woodlot and indigenous trees which will help to reduce pressure on these forests as people have an alternative source of firewood and fruit trees.”
The organization says more than 200 local farmers have also been trained in tree planting and management, which will allow them to properly manage tree seedlings as they grow into forests. The trees have also allowed farmers to demarcate their land, put unutilized land to use, provide future shade for their crops, and help control soil erosion.
Farmers who have planted the seedlings say they are also restoring degraded land, protecting the environment for future generations of their family, and gaining a new source of income, as part of this effort to protect endangered chimpanzees.

The work has all been helped along by you, with PASA explaining, “This important funding from Greater Good has helped us to restore important chimpanzee habitat in an area vital for biodiversity protection. By restoring degraded land and providing communities with a source of firewood outside of the primary forests, this project will help to stop forest degradation and reduce human chimpanzee conflict - one of the most pressing conservation issues of our time.”
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Michelle has a journalism degree and has spent more than seven years working in broadcast news. She's also been known to write some silly stuff for humor websites. When she's not writing, she's probably getting lost in nature, with a fully-stocked backpack, of course.