Flightless Pigeon and a Chihuahua with Special Needs Built The Most Adorable Friendship
Ergil Ermeno
If you can find diamonds in the rough, then you can most certainly meet a friend during tough times. Those friends enter your life right exactly when you need them the most. It’ll be the foundation of your friendship, and from there you’ll know that they genuinely care about you. Also, it’s a vice-versa situation — you became their friend because both of you are vital to each other’s lives. Animals meet their best buds in a similar way, even when they are of different species. They build the most adorable friendships, which are often unexpected.

It just indicates that species or kind does not matter as long as you create connections with genuine intention. The most important thing is that you suit each other’s personality and are there through whatever phase you are in. In Lundy’s case, that someone is a pigeon named Herman. Both of them were dealing with special needs when they met at The Mia Foundation. Lundy is a chihuahua that was rejected by a breeder from South Carolina. He was deemed useless because he has been unable to walk since he was a pup. Luckily, The Mia Foundation took him in and gave him a home and the proper treatment he deserves.
Herman the pigeon was also stuck in a hopeless situation back then. He was found in a car park without the ability to fly until he was rescued by the foundation. The series of unfortunate events led the two animals to one another. Perhaps they understand each other's circumstances and find comfort that they aren’t that different from each other. Herman and Lundy often sit on a pillow or a bed to cuddle and play — making them inseparable. They are obviously happy and content in the rescue center. With their existence in each other’s lives, not being able to fly and walk suddenly became not so much of a big deal.
The Mia Foundation has brought lots of animals to one another. Their center in Rochester, New York, is home to many animals with special needs. The rehabilitation place is a home for those searching for someone that can accept them for who they are. You can learn more about them from their website and Instagram page.

I strive to learn and excel more in content creation, including blog writing, graphic design, social media posts, and video editing. Photography is one of those skills that I take an interest in. However, I do not use my photography skills for work as I treat the activity as my hobby. My usual subjects are my pets and loved ones. The lovely fur babies at home make photography even more fun, especially now that I am in a remote setup for work.